I share with Carl about the misuse of the term learning curve.

The original derivation was from learning theory where one plotted number of correct responses on the y axis against trial number on the x axis. Steep learning curves thus implied rapid learning (of easy material). Flat learning curves implied slow learning (of difficult material).

When I complain about this misuse of the term to my psychological colleagues, they smile, agree with me that their usage was incorrect, and then suggest I go back to worrying about how to code things in R.

When I teach R, I suggest that yes, the learning curve is steep, smile and then point out that therefore it is easy to learn. Realistically, as is true of learning any skill, the curve is negatively accelerated with asymptotic learning achieved only by the wizards of Core R.


At 8:42 AM +1100 12/13/10, John Maindonald wrote:
Surely what is envisaged is the sheer effort involved in climbing
a step mountain side.  It does not have a graph in mind.  If one
wants to change the metaphor and turn it into a graph, it is not
at all obvious what the horizontal axis ought to be, though
various rather strained interpretations can be proposed.
There is a further aspect to the metaphor that deserves attention.
The reward for negotiating the steep learning curve is to reach
a great height, where marvellous vistas spread out before the

John Maindonald             email: john.maindon...@anu.edu.au
phone : +61 2 (6125)3473    fax  : +61 2(6125)5549
Centre for Mathematics & Its Applications, Room 1194,
John Dedman Mathematical Sciences Building (Building 27)
Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200.

On 11/12/2010, at 8:25 AM, Rolf Turner wrote:

 I agree with you completely about ``begging the question''.  The
 nearly universal misuse of this expression drives me crazy.  I'm
 not so sure about ``steep learning curve'' however.  My impression
 is that this phrase has *always* been used to convey the idea that
 a subject area is difficult to learn, whence to use it (as you suggest)
 in the sense that the subject area can be learned quickly would be to
 change the original meaning of the phrase.  That would be undesirable,
 even given that the original meaning is counter-intuitive.

 I recall having heard/read a ``justification'' for the original meaning
 to the effect that what is envisaged is plotting effort expended on
 the *y* axis and knowledge level on the *x* axis.  Thus a steep learning
 curve would entail expending a great deal of effort for a small increase
 in knowledge.

 I agree that this is a silly choice of axes --- I certainly wouldn't make
 such a choice.  But I don't suppose that there's any law against it.


                Rolf Turner

 On 11/12/2010, at 4:22 AM, Carl Witthoft wrote:

 Next to "begging the question,"  the phrase "steep learning curve" is
 probably the most misused cliche out there.

 A 'learning curve' represents knowledge (or understanding) as a function
 of time.  THerefore,  the steeper the better.
 Please help save the English language from descent into Humpty-Dumpty
 land, and train your colleagues in the correct usage of both these terms.


 Message: 2 Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2010 09:51:27 -0800 From: Payam
 Minoofar<payam.minoo...@meissner.com> To:
 "r-sig-mac@r-project.org"<r-sig-mac@r-project.org> Cc:
 "deniz.kellecio...@gmail.com"<deniz.kellecio...@gmail.com> Subject:
 [R-SIG-Mac] R for Mac, good enough?
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

 The power of R is virtually unmatched, and R for Mac works extremely

 The learning curve is steep, however, and documentation is difficult
 >>> to grasp, even though it is abundantly available. I am more partial
 to a commercial data analysis package with which I grew up, but I
 have done enough work with R on the mac platform to recommend it

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