On Jul 5, 2012, at 9:42 AM, David Winsemius wrote:

> On Jul 4, 2012, at 11:47 PM, Richard M. Heiberger wrote:
>> David,
>> thank you.  it works.
>> Where is it documented?
> The first place I find written documentation of the cmd-arrow  
> functions  is in the R MacOSX FAQ:
> 12.8 Why are Quartz plots much bigger than they used to be?
> (Second paragraph)
> (I may have read about the stack depth in one of the postings from  
> Simon in this venue. The figure of ten is a rough guess. The true  
> value is somewhere  in the range of 8 to 15.)
>> I want to set the depth to something much larger than 10.
> I have not found a place for users to change this. May be that a  
> compile time change is needed. (Simon will hopefully correct me if  
> this is wrong.)


#define histsize 16

so, yes, it is hard-coded in R.

It is not part of the R.app GUI but actually of the Quartz device in R itself 
so it is not configurable.

It simply saves display lists and replays them as you go back - you can do that 
with any device that has display lists enabled (see dev.control). I'm not sure 
what Rich is up to but you can always save and restore plots with 
GEcreateSnapshot and GEplayDisplayList regardless of the device and the display 
list is just an R object. Keeping more than 16 plots seems a little tedious to 
go through ...


> I tried searching MarkMail's archive with a couple of strategies, ...  
> the last unsuccessful one was:
> http://markmail.org/search/?q=simon+urbanek+list%3Aorg.r-project.r-sig-mac+graphics+increase#query
> :simon%20urbanek%20list%3Aorg.r-project.r-sig-mac%20graphics%20increase 
> +page:2+mid:ykmzj6mwesj3wywu+state:results
> (I don't know if that will be paste-worthy or click-worthy.)
>> I don't see anything about the stack on the ?quartz page
>> and there appears not to be any control option on the quartz menu  
>> item on the device
>> itself.
> If the Quartz window is the focus, the Quartz menu options will become  
> active  and even if not the focus the menu will also tell you the  
> keyboard equivalents (standard Mac behavior). I think that is where I  
> learned it.
>> Rich
>> On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 11:35 PM, David Winsemius <dwinsem...@comcast.net 
>>> wrote:
>> On Jul 4, 2012, at 11:12 PM, Richard M. Heiberger wrote:
>> The windows feature I miss most on the Mac is a graphics device that
>> remembers the previous graphs,
>> specifically
>> windows.options(record=TRUE)  ## R for Windows
>> Is there a similar feature available on the macintosh?
>> There is a graphics stack, whose default depth is 10, and you can  
>> scroll backward with cmd-<left-arrow>  ... at least in the R64.app  
>> and r.app GUI's.
>> -- 
>> David Winsemius, MD
>> West Hartford, CT
> David Winsemius, MD
> West Hartford, CT
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