
I would like to start R by default with '--no-restore-history
--no-save' to avoid that .RData files are written. I put "alias R=R
--no-restore-history --no-save" in virtually all relevant system/dot
files, like ~/.bash_profile and ~/.profile (even ~/.bashrc), but
still, .RData files are written (yes, I did fresh logins...)... When I
define the alias in the shell before executing R, it works, so the
question seems to be *where* (i.e., in which file) to define the
alias? This seems to be a 'Mac/terminal question' not related to R,
but I have working aliases in ~/.bashrc, so why I isn't R called with
the two optional arguments? Has anyone experienced something similar?
I even found posts were this procedure is recommended (with the alias
defined in ~/.bash_profile). Hmmm...

(This is on OS X El Capitan)


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