
I have Os X 10.10.3 on MB Air and I downloaded the newest R version from CRAN 
download website. The software failed with the package installations and after 
working with the errors for few hours I decided to uninstall the software.

I deleted the .app files (R and Rstudio) and then removed frameworks folder 
too. I also removed the usr/bin/R and usr/bin/Rscript. Now the application 
doesn’t reinstall at all but just tells about an error which the installation 
software doesn’t specify. Same thing happens when I try to install and launch 
Rstudio. I also tried the --forget command with pkgutil on terminal with no 

What shoud I try next? Or is there any chances to make it work without 
reinstalling Os X?


Juho Lappalainen
R-SIG-Mac mailing list

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