
A follow up. On my system, "paste as plain text" does not fix the
color or font size issue when pasting. Below is my system information.

> devtools::session_info()
Session info 
 setting  value
 version  R version 3.2.3 (2015-12-10)
 system   x86_64, darwin13.4.0
 ui       AQUA
 language (EN)
 collate  en_US.UTF-8
 tz       America/Los_Angeles
 date     2016-03-07

 package  * version     date       source
 devtools 2016-02-26 Github (hadley/devtools@b6a23be)
 digest     0.6.9       2016-01-08 CRAN (R 3.2.3)
 memoise    1.0.0       2016-01-29 CRAN (R 3.2.3)
 withr      1.0.1       2016-02-04 CRAN (R 3.2.3)

Brandons-iMac:~ brandonhurr$ sw_vers
ProductName: Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.11.3
BuildVersion: 15D21


On Sun, Mar 6, 2016 at 9:01 PM, Brandon Hurr <> wrote:
> Simon,
> Thanks for the shortcut keys. I'll definitely use them.
> As for your question about where it's coming from, mostly Chrome via
> ggplot2/manipulatr mailing lists, and stackoverflow. As you say it will
> retain the fonts and sizes and everything. I had tried CMD + Shift + V as it
> is in gmail and it didn't work.
> Coming from a naive standpoint, I'm unsure why pasting as plain text isn't
> the default here. Is it inherited from OSX, and you have no choice?
> I've thought about it a few times and I can't imagine why having decorated
> text is useful in R-GUI at all but particularly the editor window. It
> overrides colors, fonts, font sizes, until you save and reopen. Then
> everything is like if you had pasted as plain text.
> Thanks,
> Brandon
> On Sun, Mar 6, 2016 at 09:46 Simon Urbanek <>
> wrote:
>> On Mar 4, 2016, at 12:10 PM, Brandon Hurr <> wrote:
>> > As mentioned in the exchange with Frederico, I've been using Solarized
>> > Dark
>> > colors for the console and editor to hopefully make long days of coding
>> > easier on my eyes.
>> >
>> > The issue is when I paste code from a webpage or email it appears to
>> > revert
>> > to the original colors interspersed with the new background color. See
>> > this
>> > image for an example:
>> >
>> > If I save the script and reload it, everything looks the way it should.
>> > When the same code is pasted into R-GUI, everything is as it should be.
>> >
>> The paste option supports pasting attributes, so I wonder what is your
>> source. If the source includes colors, the the source colors override your
>> GUI setting - that is a standard Mac behavior (for better or worse). If you
>> don't want that to happen, use "Paste as plain text" instead (<cmd><alt><V>)
>> Cheers,
>> Simon
>> > Thanks,
>> > Brandon
>> >
>> >       [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
>> >
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