On 24 May 2016, at 12:59 am, Simon Urbanek <simon.urba...@r-project.org> wrote:
> how should be determine that you want $? If it's a matrix, maybe you want [ 
> ... if it's a function maybe you want ( ... it looks like a hornet's nest to 
> me, but if you provide logic, we may be able to code it up ;)
> Cheers, Simon

Hi Simon,

My logic is as follows:

1. When a name is already complete, when the user pushes tab again, they are 
expecting “more” name completion, i.e.,  they want to access a $ or @ 
sub-component. Currently, nothing happens, and the user feels “thwarted”… like 
the typing “Simon" but then having to type a space and a tab to get "Urbanek" 

2. Most object components are $ indexed rather than @ indexed), so $ is the 
best guess.

Based on this, a simple logic of "append $ if the current name is a valid name" 
would be an advance in many cases. I can’t see a downside.

A smarter logic would call .DollarNames() on the current word and if it found $ 
items, then append the $ and display the dropdown, if not, beep.

Re “why not offer mtcars[] instead of mtcars$”? or adding the round brackets to 
a function, I think the answer is that while perhaps an appropriately smart 
version of rcompgen could support this, users are expecting tab completion to 
complete names and in R, that means a complete addressable name for an object 

So I think that having tab add a $ accessor would seem natural, whereas having 
one tab complete the name, and the next one add brackets would not.

Currently, I find that the mental context switch from completing a name to 
accessing or filling in parameters is sufficiently “different” that typing the 
bracket ending seems natural, and it’s nice that R.app gives us the closing 
bracket for free.

Cheers, tim


PS: Indeed, a type-aware completion system would be great (as you imply). I 
enjoy the feature in RStudio now where valid completions are given, for 
instance, within a square bracket context. i.e., mtcars[1,⇥] gives a drop down 
of column names - much easier than running names() in the terminal to remember 
what is what.

> On May 20, 2016, at 8:08 AM, Timothy Bates <tim.ba...@ed.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Like most of us I am sure, I use the tab completion system a lot, not just 
>> to complete object names, but to pick from the drop-list created when one 
>> hits tab after a $ sign.
>> Current situation to get to  "object$part1$level2” the user currently has to 
>> type:
>> 1. "obj→" (completed to "object")
>> 2. Type "$→" and pick part1
>> 3. Type "$→" and pick level2
>> Suggestion: make a second "tab" press fill in the $-sign. That would reduce 
>> the above to:
>> 1. "obj→" (completed to "object")
>> 2. Type "→ →" and pick part1
>> 3. Type "→ →" and pick level2
>> MUCH quicker, as the dollar sign involves lifting finger off tab key, 
>> hitting (for English) shift-4 (a two hand operation, or an awkward one-hand 
>> stretch), then moving back to the tab key.
>> Users of the @ accessor  might feel left out - perhaps give them shift-tab 
>> :-)
>> PS: Still be nice bump up the font size in the bottom tool-tip bar, if only 
>> back to the old physical height (or perhaps just re-use the RStudio tool-tip 
>> completion system)

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