HI Simon:

Perhaps if you can find someone who hasn't done the Xcode and Command Line 
Update,  have them list the directories that you are interested in, and then 
list the same after the update to see what it is doing.  Also is it possible 
you have something in your .Rpofile of the like that points to the location you 
want that I do not?  The errors you get on build are just what you expect - 
whatever *.h files it needed could not be found. 



> On Jul 24, 2019, at 7:57 AM, Simon Urbanek <simon.urba...@r-project.org> 
> wrote:
> I want to avoid that "fix" because it is not guaranteed to work in the 
> future. Can someone who did NOT instal the system-level headers below please 
> report the actual issue? The whole point of using the SDK was to make sure 
> it's not necessary.
> Thanks,
> Simon
>> On Jul 24, 2019, at 10:54 AM, Bryan Hanson <han...@depauw.edu> wrote:
>> If it helps troubleshoot, I updated more or less on the same timeline as Roy 
>> did and had the same problems Roy had, and Roy’s most recent response below 
>> gives the same response on my Mac.  Roy’s fix * fixed things for me.  Bryan
>> * open  
>> /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg
>>> On Jul 24, 2019, at 10:46 AM, Roy Mendelssohn - NOAA Federal via R-SIG-Mac 
>>> <r-sig-mac@r-project.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Simon:
>>>> ls /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs
>>>> MacOSX.sdk MacOSX10.14.sdk
>>> Also when  have done:
>>>> sudo xcode-select --install
>>> I often get a message to install through App store (the command line 
>>> tools).  I am not certain exactly what 
>>> macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg installs nor where,  but I as I said 
>>> I went from being able to install packages from source to not being able to 
>>> because headers couldn't be found to be able to.  And I have a feeling 
>>> others will run into the same problem.
>>> Thanks!
>>> -Roy
>>>> On Jul 23, 2019, at 9:33 PM, Simon Urbanek <simon.urba...@r-project.org> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Roy,
>>>> thanks, I just wanted to clarify which headers have been deleted exactly. 
>>>> The system location (/usr/includes) is what Apple doesn't like, which is 
>>>> why we are now using the SDK. Can you check, please, whether you do have
>>>> /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk
>>>> I would hope that they don't touch that location. That said, if you have 
>>>> Xcode proper they may think that you no longer need command line tools or 
>>>> something like that -in principle that should be recoverable with
>>>> sudo xcode-select --install
>>>> hopefully.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Simon
>>>>> On Jul 23, 2019, at 14:50, Roy Mendelssohn - NOAA Federal via R-SIG-Mac 
>>>>> <r-sig-mac@r-project.org> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Simon:
>>>>> I am using CRAN release,  recommended CRAN compilers.  Yesterday morning 
>>>>> one updated package needed to be installed from source,  worked.  
>>>>> Yesterday afternoon did the update of Xcode (and OSX).  This morning 
>>>>> installing a package update from source failed,  couldn't find header 
>>>>> files (gee I have seen this before).  Ran the command I put below,  
>>>>> everybody was happy.  It does appear that the update literally deleted 
>>>>> the headers.
>>>>> HTH,
>>>>> Roy
>>>>> PS - not trying to build R from source,  just source updates of some 
>>>>> packages
>>>>>> On Jul 23, 2019, at 11:17 AM, Simon Urbanek 
>>>>>> <simon.urba...@r-project.org> wrote:
>>>>>> Roy,
>>>>>> that shouldn't be necessary if you use the CRAN release since it 
>>>>>> specifically points to the SDK. If you are compiling your own R you may 
>>>>>> want to add
>>>>>> CPPFLAGS='-isysroot /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk 
>>>>>> -I/usr/local/include'
>>>>>> which is what the CRAN build uses. FWIW you can always check the current 
>>>>>> flags at
>>>>>> https://svn.r-project.org/R-dev-web/trunk/QA/Simon/R-build/conf.el-capitan-x86_64
>>>>>> If the above doesn't address the issue you're seeing, please provide 
>>>>>> details.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Simon
>>>>>>> On Jul 23, 2019, at 12:47 PM, Roy Mendelssohn - NOAA Federal via 
>>>>>>> R-SIG-Mac <r-sig-mac@r-project.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> If like me you updated to Xcode 10.3,  in Apple's infinite wisdom the 
>>>>>>> install again wipes out the header files.  So if you did the update and 
>>>>>>> install from source remember to re-install the headers:
>>>>>>>> open  
>>>>>>>> /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg
>>>>>>> -Roy
>>>>>>> **********************
>>>>>>> "The contents of this message do not reflect any position of the U.S. 
>>>>>>> Government or NOAA."
>>>>>>> **********************
>>>>>>> Roy Mendelssohn
>>>>>>> Supervisory Operations Research Analyst
>>>>>>> NOAA/NMFS
>>>>>>> Environmental Research Division
>>>>>>> Southwest Fisheries Science Center
>>>>>>> ***Note new street address***
>>>>>>> 110 McAllister Way
>>>>>>> Santa Cruz, CA 95060
>>>>>>> Phone: (831)-420-3666
>>>>>>> Fax: (831) 420-3980
>>>>>>> e-mail: roy.mendelss...@noaa.gov www: http://www.pfeg.noaa.gov/
>>>>>>> "Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill."
>>>>>>> "From those who have been given much, much will be expected" 
>>>>>>> "the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice" 
>>>>>>> -MLK Jr.
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>>>>>>> R-SIG-Mac mailing list
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>>>>> **********************
>>>>> "The contents of this message do not reflect any position of the U.S. 
>>>>> Government or NOAA."
>>>>> **********************
>>>>> Roy Mendelssohn
>>>>> Supervisory Operations Research Analyst
>>>>> Environmental Research Division
>>>>> Southwest Fisheries Science Center
>>>>> ***Note new street address***
>>>>> 110 McAllister Way
>>>>> Santa Cruz, CA 95060
>>>>> Phone: (831)-420-3666
>>>>> Fax: (831) 420-3980
>>>>> e-mail: roy.mendelss...@noaa.gov www: http://www.pfeg.noaa.gov/
>>>>> "Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill."
>>>>> "From those who have been given much, much will be expected" 
>>>>> "the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice" -MLK 
>>>>> Jr.
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>>>>> R-SIG-Mac mailing list
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>>> **********************
>>> "The contents of this message do not reflect any position of the U.S. 
>>> Government or NOAA."
>>> **********************
>>> Roy Mendelssohn
>>> Supervisory Operations Research Analyst
>>> Environmental Research Division
>>> Southwest Fisheries Science Center
>>> ***Note new street address***
>>> 110 McAllister Way
>>> Santa Cruz, CA 95060
>>> Phone: (831)-420-3666
>>> Fax: (831) 420-3980
>>> e-mail: roy.mendelss...@noaa.gov www: http://www.pfeg.noaa.gov/
>>> "Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill."
>>> "From those who have been given much, much will be expected" 
>>> "the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice" -MLK 
>>> Jr.
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> R-SIG-Mac mailing list
>>> R-SIG-Mac@r-project.org
>>> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-mac

"The contents of this message do not reflect any position of the U.S. 
Government or NOAA."
Roy Mendelssohn
Supervisory Operations Research Analyst
Environmental Research Division
Southwest Fisheries Science Center
***Note new street address***
110 McAllister Way
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Phone: (831)-420-3666
Fax: (831) 420-3980
e-mail: roy.mendelss...@noaa.gov www: http://www.pfeg.noaa.gov/

"Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill."
"From those who have been given much, much will be expected" 
"the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice" -MLK Jr.

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