Thanks, Bob (and JJB)!

I have put the signing in a launch agent and we’ll see.

As for notarization, that will be interesting. The R installer is fine, the likely, too (except for the hardening requirement and Xcode versions), 
but I’m not sure how that will affect the R.framework. I’ll experiment later 
next week.


> On Sep 22, 2019, at 1:29 PM, Bob Rudis <> wrote:
> (apologies for a second spam addendum, I hit "send" too quickly)
> In theory, once the latest Xcode is truly stable (the Xcode 11 GM is broken 
> in some places so there's going to be another release before Apple release 
> macOS Vista in October) the notarization "API" (that's way too kind of a word 
> for it) should be fully baked and can be added to any build pipeline. That 
> will require some other things for command line binaries (e.g. an Info.plist 
> and entitlements file just for the notarization) to get ask for, receive, and 
> then staple a ticket to a command line app.
> will likely "need" said stapling come January 2020 (to avoid the "this 
> app is malware" message from Apple).
> For the previous mail, you should be able to also use `productsign` to sign 
> the installer the same way.
> -boB
>> On Sep 22, 2019, at 1:23 PM, Bob Rudis <> wrote:
>> Something like:
>>   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>   <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" 
>> "";>
>>   <plist version="1.0">
>>   <dict>
>>     <key>Label</key>
>>     <string>is.rud.buildr</string>
>>     <key>ProgramArguments</key>
>>     <array>
>>       <string>sh</string>
>>       <string>-c</string>
>>       <string>/Users/bob/Development/R-3.6.1/</string>
>>     </array>
>>     <key>StartCalendarInterval</key>
>>     <dict>
>>       <key>Hour</key>
>>       <integer>13</integer>
>>     </dict>
>>     <key>UserName</key>
>>     <string>bob</string>
>>     <key>SessionCreate</key>
>>     <true/>
>>     <key>WorkingDirectory</key>
>>     <string>/Users/bob/Development/R-3.6.1</string>
>>     <key>StandardOutPath</key>
>>     <string>/Users/bob/tmp/buildr-stdout.log</string>
>>     <key>StandardErrorPath</key>
>>     <string>/Users/bob/tmp/buildr-sterr.log</string>
>>   </dict>
>>   </plist>
>> put into ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
>> then:
>>   $ launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
>> will run the script at 1300 daily (made that up b/c it 
>> just turned 1300 here as I was typing) with std[out|err] logs preserved.
>> The key elements of the plist to enable access to the cert are:
>>     <key>UserName</key>
>>     <string>bob</string>
>> and:
>>     <key>SessionCreate</key>
>>     <true/>
>> That should work on any recent/supported macOS.
>> Use:
>>     $ launchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ 
>> to unload any active launchd agent so you can reload.
>> To get verbose output from the code signing in the logs do:
>>   codesign -vs "Developer-id-stirng-from-keychain" file
>> I belive only:
>>   Resources/bin/exec/R
>> and any dylibs in:
>>   Resources/lib/
>> [need to|should be] be signed.
>> While the script name I used is "build and sign" there's no reason you 
>> couldn't just have a launchd process for the code signing and keep the R 
>> build in cron.
>> There are (or used to be, at least) quite a few google-able solutions to 
>> other scenarios for this, the most common of which has the use of Jenkins 
>> (or other build pipeline managers) to manage build pipelines for macOS and 
>> iOS apps. I did a quick "jenkins macos code sign" and they all still seem to 
>> be there (just looked at the list, didn't dig into the URLs to see if 
>> they're alive).
>> -boB
>>> On Sep 21, 2019, at 4:16 PM, Balamuta, James Joseph <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Greetings and Salutations All, 
>>> I think `launchd` jobs would properly sign the installer. `launchd` is 
>>> Apple's re-envisioning of `cron`.
>>> So, would it be possible to port over the cron job to `launchd`?
>>> Sincerely,
>>> JJB
>>> On 9/20/19, 11:06 PM, "R-SIG-Mac on behalf of Simon Urbanek" 
>>> < on behalf of> 
>>> wrote:
>>>  For some reason signing doesn't work in cron jobs even if the keychain is 
>>> unlocked. Hence only runs that I run from the shell are successfully signed 
>>> (like releases). If anyone has a solution, I'd like to hear it.
>>>  Cheers,
>>>  Simon
>>>> On Sep 19, 2019, at 12:55 PM, Kevin Ushey <> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> It looks like the builds of R from are typically
>>>> not code-signed, and so one normally gets a Gatekeeper warning when trying
>>>> to install them. E.g. I see (on macOS 10.14.6):
>>>> “R-3.6-branch-el-capitan.pkg” can’t be opened because it is from an
>>>> unidentified developer.
>>>> Your security preferences allow installation of only apps from the App
>>>> Store and identified developers.
>>>> Is there any chance this might change in the future?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Kevin
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