Dear Rolf,
By default, the file system is not case-sensitive.
So the answer to file.exists(".Rdata") is correct. And you won't be able to write .RData without overwriting .Rdata

You can format a drive with a case-sensitive file system if you wish (Spotlight:Disk Utility), but many applications won't be happy to find folders containing files with the same (insensitive) name inside.


On 19 Feb 2009, at 11:47 PM, Rolf Turner wrote:

I have noticed that OS X sometimes fails to make a case distinction in
the names of files. E.g. if I have a file ``junk'' and I try to create a directory using ``mkdir Junk'' it will refuse to do so saying ``file exists''.

Likewise I have just noticed that in R


returns TRUE when no file .Rdata exists (but there *is* a file .RData).

This strikes me as an undesirable, uh, feature.  Is there any way that
I can tell OS X to smarten up about this?

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