Dear Saiwing,

thanks for your efforts. I tried your changes, but they didn't work for me. As Alan suggested, I posted the question once more on the Textmate mailing list; maybe I can get some help there ...


Am 16.04.2009 um 11:30 schrieb Saiwing Yeung:

I played with it a little more and I think I have gotten it to work properly for me. I still don't entirely understand why this works (!) so follow at your own risk :) First a bit of clarification, I set my TextMate up with TM_LATEX_COMPILER set to (in TextMate Preferences). Then these 2 changes are made.

need new version of in . The original version is 3.07a, I got the one from
which is 4.05. It should be at
~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Pristine Copy/Bundles/ SWeave.tmbundle/Support/bin/
which might be different if you installed it using other methods.

In "Sweave, Typeset & View", change a line in run_tex()
   else "$TEX" -f -r "${TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT}/latexmkrc" "$1"
   else "$TEX" -f -pdf "$1"

* I am not sure why I need to call -pdf to get it to produce the pdf while wasn't needed in the original version. * I don't have latexmkrc in my support directory and this option was making unhappy.

* you still need Sweave.sty somewhere
* I commented out the standard error pipe in my last post. But with these changes I can (and should) revert the change.

Hope this helps. It would be great if someone can fix this properly instead of using some voodoo hack.


On Apr 13, 2009, at 1:55 AM, Felix Schönbrodt wrote:

I ran into the same problem today (at least the symptoms matched) and it took me some time to figure this out... Basically I solved this by copying the file Sweave.sty to the same directory as the the .rnw file. I suppose you can also try to add the path to Sweave.sty. But then, by having the file in the same directory, when you send your stuff to other people, it is more likely that you will include it and prevent your collaborators from having the same problem.

Yes, that's one problem (I solved it by copying the Sweave.sty into my texmf-local directory). Unfortunately, it does not solve my real problem, because the Sweave does work (--> the .tex-file is produced).

A related issue is that the "missing Sweave.sty" error isn't shown in the TextMate output when you run "Sweave, Typeset, & View" even though it looks like it should.
 run_tex "$FILE" 2>&1| -v

I haven't really looked into this though. For now I just comment out the redirecting part
run_tex "$FILE" # 2>&1| -v
so that I can see the LaTeX errors.

I agree - the problem should lie in the following portion of code in the Sweave.tmbundle:

run_tex () {
if [ "$TEX" != ]
then "$TEX" ${TM_LATEX_OPTIONS:=-interaction=nonstopmode -file- line-error-style} "$1"
        else "$TEX" -f -r "${TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT}/latexmkrc" "$1"

# Compile.
run_tex "$FILE" 2>&1| -v

Unfortunately my skills are to limited to track the error ... maybe someone else has an idea?

Best regards,

Hope this helps,

Dear list,

I encountered a problem in the combination of Textmate and the SWeave
bundle: when I start "Sweave, typeset & View", the .Rnw-file is
processed, but the log window shows "Error: PDF file not written to
disk" and the tex-file is not processed.

However, the sweaving was successful, as a valid .tex-file is in the
same folder which can be typesetted without problem.
So, in general it works, I just want to avoid the extra step of
opening the .tex-file and would like to see my pdf directly from

Did anyone encounter the same problem / any suggestions for solutions?

Best regards,

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