On May 15, 2009, at 2:59 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:

I use Linux only and have been teaching students with Emacs & ESS.
Lately, we've had some troubles with that combination that are not
solved, and it has caused me to look about for alternatives.

One of my students has a Macintosh and he showed me that the R that he
installed came with an editor that does what we need. The
command-shift sends lines over.

So I started to wonder: why can't we compile that Editor in Linux?  If
a Mac is really BSD Unix with a layer of libraries, it should be
possible.  There are GNUstep libraries to duplicate much of the
NextStep framework, but I have not studied enough on current Mac
systems to know how close we might be to building the Mac R editor
along with R itself.

I've been Googling and searching in this lists archive and don't find
much discussion on this.  If anybody has ideas about whether this is
possible, please advise.


Can you describe the problems that you are having with Emacs/ESS?

I have played around with the editor in R.app on OSX, but I find the Emacs/ESS combination to be superior. In fact, I build Emacs 23 from CVS to have a 'real' Emacs on OSX, as opposed to the quirky behavior of Aquamacs.


Marc Schwartz

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