<br>MacBook Intel Core Duo <br>MacOS 10.5.7 <br>R version 2.9.0 <br>Rwave (already installed) <br>sowas (failed installation) <br>Dear members> <br>I need to run CWT (Morlet) on R (Rwave and sowas) but I cannot install sowas on my Mac. In the past I had a PC with Linux (Ubuntu) and I could run the analysis. Now with my MacBook I have not been able to get the sowas package installed. I get the error bellow. Could you support me please?
<br>macbook-de-vladimir-torres-torres:Desktop vladimir$ R CMD install sowas_0.94.tar.gz <br>* Installing to library =91/Users/vladimir/Library/R/2.9/library=92 <br>WARNING: omitting pointless dependence on 'R'= without a version requirement<br>* Installing *source* package =91sowas=92= ...<br>** libs<br>** arch - i386<br>sh: make: command not found<br>ERROR: = compilation failed for package =91sowas=92<br>* Removing =91/Users/vladimir= _________________________________________________________________ Explore the seven wonders of the world BRE [[alternative HTML version deleted]] _______________________________________________ R-SIG-Mac mailing list R-SIG-Mac@stat.math.ethz.ch https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-mac