Do you scroll down far enough on the R Mac tools web page  

Go down till you see:

Alternative and experimental tools

GNU Fortran 4.2.4 for Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard):
Download: gfortran-42-5646.pkg (for Xcode 3.2 and 3.2.1)
This package adds GNU Fortran to Xcode 3.2 for Snow Leopard (Apple's gcc 4.2 
build 5646). Requires Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and Xcode 3.2 (or 3.2.1).
Dynamic libgfortran: libgfortran-4.2.4-5646.tar.gz (NOT needed for R)
The compiler above contains static libgfortran. To avoid library pollution the 
dynamic gfortran library is not included since it is not necessary for most 
projects and causes problems for people that don't have it installed at 
run-time. If you know what you're doing, you can install it, but be aware that 
your FORTRAN binaries will depend on it and OS X does NOT include it.
Install: sudo tar fxz libgfortran-4.2.4-5646.tar.gz -C /


On Apr 28, 2010, at 1:26 PM, Yan Zhou wrote:

> I have a some sort silly question. Which fortran compiler is usable with R, 
> e.g., building package from source.
> I intended to install the gfortran from CRAN. But noticed that it will 
> install cc1 and the text in installer stated that it is not recommended to 
> install it with Xcode later than 3.2. I have 3.2.2 installed right now.
> Besides I find on the website that gfortran from HPC will not work.
> So my question is that, what is the problem with the HPC version of gfortran. 
> What is the criteria for a fortran compiler to be usable with R. I have intel 
> fortran compiler installed. I managed to use it to compile a usable R-devel 
> build from source. However, successful compiling doesn't imply that the 
> generated code has no problem.
> Many thanks in advance.
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