Dear "R team",

I am a regular user of R as a social scientist, and since last friday for the first time I've been facing serious problems using R on a Mac computer.

I couldn't launch anymore R, it was cashing before it could open. I've searched on the internet to find solutions to my problem. In the first instance, it was useful, I realised that the file "history.txt" was the cause of the crash (
So, I removed it and R worked again until... this morning.

I am facing the same problem again, although I can't identify anymore the reason of the crash. This is not caused by "history.txt" file, nor by "workspace.rdata". I've reinstalled several times the R application (the lastest one, ie. 2.11.1 as well as an older version 2.8.1) but this doesn't change anything.

I don't know what to do, therefore I email you to ask you if you could help me.

I've attached a "R crash report" that may help you, but it was generated by my computer, not by R (I couldn't find a R crash.log).

I hope this can help you.

Many thanks in advance,

Best wishes,

Julie Falcon
Université de Lausanne

Attachment: R crash report.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

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