On 25/06/2010 12:26 PM, Nicholas R Frazier wrote:

I've been using R on my MacBook (OS X 10.6.3, 2 GHz Intel Core Duo) for a
couple of months now.  I've noticed that whenever I plot a graph, the output
never shows indices for the axes.  It shows tick marks on the side of the
graph, but no text.  e.g.

> test = merge(seq(1:10), seq(1:20))
> plot(test)

shows the correct plot, with 4 tick marks up the side of the Y axis, 5 tick
marks down the X axis, but NO text or numbers anywhere.

As another example, a pairs() plot doesn't show any text along the diagonal
boxes, as it should.

That's normally a symptom of setting the margins too small to hold the text, or (equivalently) the text too big to fit in the margins. Take a look at par(), in particular see if you've changed the default values

[1] 1

[1] 5.1 4.1 4.1 2.1

If you haven't changed those, then it looks like a font problem: R thinks your default font is too big to fit. The default font is determined by the par() setting

[1] 1

as well as defaults specific to your graphics device. I don't have my Mac here, so I can't tell you what the default font is supposed to be on your Mac.

Duncan Murdoch

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