Dear R-Mac users,

I have a couple of problems and I haven't been able to find any useful hint in the available documentation or in the archive of this mailing list. 1) I set options("width=79") in my ~/.Rprofile file, together with other settings. Running the R Gui the latter are set as expected, but width is different from the desired 79 value. Starting from terminal the width is correctly set at 79. Playing around a little bit I realized that if I resize the R Gui and close the application, when I restart R Gui the options("width") is different from the previous value. It seems it is dynamically set depending on the width of the R Gui window. However, this value is always much smaller than the potential number of characters in a row. 2) In Preferences I selected to open the quartz device on the top left, but any quartz window open at the bottom right. Actually, no matter which location I choose the device is always open at the bottom right.

Thanks a lot for any hint.


Luca Scrucca
Dipartimento di Economia, Finanza e Statistica
Sezione di Statistica
Università degli Studi di Perugia
Via A. Pascoli, 20
Tel. +39-075-5855233
Fax: +39-075-5855950
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