On Jul 9, 2010, at 3:31 PM, Etienne Low-Décarie wrote:

> Good day,
> iOS devices (iPhone,iPod and iPad) can be amazing tools, expanding the realm 
> of R usage (to the field even!), and it is already possible to run R on a 
> host computer through command line (through SSH apps for example, with no 
> script editor or graphical output).  I was wondering if R related software 
> was being developed for this operating system.  I am posting these 
> suggestions to this list, as porting software to iOS is similar to porting 
> software to OS X.
> Suggested R related iOS software include:
> •Directly ported R-help file
> •Library of graph examples
> •R script editor
> •R mobile app based on similar software available for MatLab 
> (http://www.mathworks.com/mobile/), desired for Mathematica 
> (http://quernstone.com/archives/2008/07/mathematica-for.html)
> •R mobile helper app (on host computer)
> •native R mobile (a crippled native R, SpaceTime pulls off something similar, 
> http://www.spacetime.us/) ?
> Thank you and have an excellent day,

See these two recent posts:



Nothing new since then, but the logical model for R would be a client/server 
approach, along the lines of what you reference for MATLAB or what has been 
done for Wolfram|Alpha.

I am guessing that SpaceTime gets around the interpreted language limitation by 
being a special purpose 'enhanced calculator', whereas R is a fully functional 
programming language. 


Marc Schwartz

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