Don't know whether the following is the official procedure, but it might work:

Do you have an account on the Linux server that you can login to, using ssh (*)?
Then you can probably use 

        scp <localRscript.R> 

to copy the file localRscript.R to the Linux machine,  
and then use something like

        ssh yourusern...@linuxhost.domain
        cd ~/your/R/script/direcory
        > source("localRscript.R")
You might have to enter your password at times, or you can use an authorized 
key (*).
If you don't want to keep the ssh connection alive, read the manual for the 
nohup command (*).

(*) And, of course Ask your local Linux admin for details.

Or is the server running Rserve?

hth, jochen

On Sep 8, 2010, at 10:08 , Yingjie Zhang wrote:

> Dear all,
> I 've gotten a serious question, I have a iMac for work, and now I need to 
> run some simulations in R on our sever, which has the system of Linux, the 
> problem is: I can't copy the code from R script to R console! Anyone know the 
> way?
> Thanks very much,
> Liv 
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