Interesting. No matter what I do here, I can't seem to get the test to fail 
using R's BLAS with clean 32 bit builds. So perhaps it is not just the BLAS, 
but a combination of R's BLAS and specific hardware?, which gets me into a 
realm of knowledge below the event horizon. 

Have there been any repeatable scenarios where vecLib can be used without 
failure on a particular Mac platform?

Also, I just noted Simon's reply to a different thread on r-sig-mac to Stefan 
Evert, in which he notes that there may be a change in the default BLAS for OSX 
to vecLib in the next R release. Of course, now given Prof. Ripley's 
observations, it will be interesting to see the actual impact in the wild.



On Oct 21, 2010, at 11:23 AM, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:

> Let me point out 
> This is not just a BLAS issue: I saw it with both vecLib and the reference 
> The lme4 code is doing exactly the same calculation for M2. and M2, but 
> sometimes when it does that calculation the first time in a session it gives 
> a different answer.  That makes it really hard to get a handle on, and easy 
> to suppose one has a fix (been there a few times myself).
> On Thu, 21 Oct 2010, Marc Schwartz wrote:
>> On Oct 21, 2010, at 8:47 AM, Federico Calboli wrote:
>>> Mark,
>>>> To the extent that it may be helpful here and I can do more if need be, I 
>>>> built 32 bit R 2.12.0 patched on Snow Leopard (10.6.4), using the R BLAS 
>>>> rather than Apple's veclib. This is on an early 2009 17" MBP with a 2.93 
>>>> Ghz Core 2 Duo (MacBookPro5,2) and 4Gb of RAM.
>>>> Based upon Doug's comment in this thread that the issue may be related to 
>>>> the use of Apple's veclib BLAS, as opposed to R's reference BLAS, I ran 
>>>> some tests.
>>>> My config includes:
>>>> --without-blas --without-lapack
>>>> just to be sure that the above is the correct invocation, based upon what 
>>>> I found online.
>>>> Using this build, with all CRAN packages freshly installed using this 
>>>> build, I ran the example used here with lme4 0.999375-35. I get:
>>>> library(lme4)
>>>> y <- (1:20)*pi; x <- (1:20)^2;group <- gl(2,10)
>>>> M2. <- lmer (y ~ 1 + x + (1 + x | group))
>>>> M2 <- lmer (y ~ x + ( x | group))
>>>>> identical(fixef(M2), fixef(M2.))
>>>> [1] TRUE
>>>> I then created a function so that I could use replicate() to run this test 
>>>> a "larger" number of times:
>>>> testlme4 <- function()
>>>> {
>>>> y <- (1:20)*pi; x <- (1:20)^2;group <- gl(2,10)
>>>> M2. <- lmer (y ~ 1 + x + (1 + x | group))
>>>> M2 <- lmer (y ~ x + ( x | group))
>>>> identical(fixef(M2), fixef(M2.))
>>>> }
>>>> RES <- replicate(1000, testlme4())
>>>>> all(RES)
>>>> [1] TRUE
>>>>> table(RES)
>>>> RES
>>>> TRUE
>>>> 1000
>>>> Does the example need to be run a "very large" number of times to be sure 
>>>> that it does not fail, or is the above a reasonable indication that the 
>>>> use of R's BLAS is a more appropriate default option for R on OSX?  If I 
>>>> am not mistaken (and somebody correct me if wrong), R's BLAS is the 
>>>> default on Windows and Linux (from my recollections on Fedora). Why should 
>>>> OSX be different in that regard?
>>> Thanks for the very informative post. I added R-Mac in my reply to see if 
>>> someone can come up with a response to your query. It would also be 
>>> interesting to know if it were possible to switch the OSX R binary to use 
>>> the R BLAS library.
>>>> Also, as an aside to Federico, I use 32 bit R on OSX largely because I 
>>>> have to interact with an Oracle server via RODBC. The only ODBC drivers 
>>>> available for Oracle on OSX are 32 bit and they are not compatible with 64 
>>>> bit R. It would be rather cumbersome when running reports (via Sweave) to 
>>>> first extract the data in 32 bit R and then switch to 64 bit R to run the 
>>>> reports. I can run it all in a single step using 32 bit R. I also do not 
>>>> have a need for the larger memory address space afforded by 64 bit R.
>>> I'm very primitive in any integration between R and anything else, so much 
>>> so that I abandoned Emacs (well integrated with R) for Vim (not as well 
>>> integrated). On the other hand I do need the greater memory address space 
>>> of R64. I understand my needs and habits are not universally shared, but, 
>>> if the *only* reason for using R32 vs R64 is the 20% speed difference, I'd 
>>> use R64 for running lme4.
>> OK, so here is some more data.  I wondered if my build using R's BLAS may 
>> have possibly been a Type II error. So I re-built 32 bit R (same SVN 
>> checkout code) using:
>> --with-blas='-framework vecLib' --with-lapack
>> I then completely removed my old R build (using R's BLAS) and the installed 
>> CRAN packages. I re-installed R using the above configuration and then 
>> cleanly re-installed the required CRAN packages.
>> Here are the results:
>> y <- (1:20)*pi; x <- (1:20)^2;group <- gl(2,10)
>> M2. <- lmer (y ~ 1 + x + (1 + x | group))
>> M2 <- lmer (y ~ x + ( x | group))
>>> identical(fixef(M2), fixef(M2.))
>> [1] FALSE
>> testlme4 <- function()
>> {
>> y <- (1:20)*pi; x <- (1:20)^2;group <- gl(2,10)
>> M2. <- lmer (y ~ 1 + x + (1 + x | group))
>> M2 <- lmer (y ~ x + ( x | group))
>> identical(fixef(M2), fixef(M2.))
>> }
>> RES <- replicate(1000, testlme4())
>>> all(RES)
>> [1] FALSE
>>> table(RES)
>> RES
>> 496   504
>> So the test in question seems to fail with P(Failure) ~ 0.5 using Apple's 
>> veclib BLAS.
>> I should also note that all of my testing is from the CLI using the OSX 
>> terminal. I do not use
>> In response to Huang's reply, regarding his use of the shared lib approach, 
>> I wonder if there is some other interaction going on, either in the BLAS 
>> libs, or perhaps in the installed version of lme4, when one BLAS versus the 
>> other is in use at the time of lme4 installation, since it is installed from 
>> source on OSX. Note that I used a fully clean build of R and the required 
>> CRAN packages for each set of tests.
>> If there is some other testing that I can do, let me know. But the above 
>> results with a clean build of R and lme4 each time, would seem to further 
>> reinforce a reconsideration of the use of Apple's veclib BLAS as the default 
>> for CRAN binary builds of R on OSX.
>> Regards,
>> Marc
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> -- 
> Brian D. Ripley,        
> Professor of Applied Statistics,
> University of Oxford,             Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
> 1 South Parks Road,                     +44 1865 272866 (PA)
> Oxford OX1 3TG, UK                Fax:  +44 1865 272595
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