Hope not being abusing of this list.

Possibly, I missed something. I tried both with matrix and dataframe and
reached to the same problem:

> phy.manova(tree, c(table$option,table$difoption), table$morph, 
> data.names=NULL, nsim=1000, test="Wilks")Warning: no tip labels, order 
> assumed to be the same as in the treeError in model.frame.default(formula = 
> as.matrix(td$data) ~ group, drop.unused.levels = TRUE)

> phy.manova(tree, c(table[,"option"],table[,"difoption"]), table[,"morph"], 
> data.names=NULL, nsim=1000, test="Wilks")Error in model.frame.default(formula 
> = as.matrix(td$data) ~ group, drop.unused.levels = TRUE) :
  variable lengths differ (found for 'group')> length(table[,"morph"])
 [1] 10> length(table[,"option"])[1] 10> length(table[,"difoption"])
[1] 10

theregoes the data:

                  morph   option  difoption
C._leiolepis          2 2.916667 -0.1666667
C._nicterus           2 2.354167 -0.2083333
C._sinebrachiatus     2 2.464286  0.2857143
S._catimbau           2 2.411765  0.2352941
N._ablephara          2 2.795455  0.1363636
P._erythrocercus      1 1.545455  1.0909091
P._tetradactylus      1 1.740000  1.0800000
V._rubricauda         1 1.462500  0.7250000
M._maximiliani        1 1.269231  0.3846154
P._paeminosus         1 1.307692  0.6153846

Morph is of class factor.

For the developers, thanks for making all these analyses possible.
Agustín Camacho Guerrero.
Doutorando em Zoologia.
Laboratório de Herpetologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de
Biociências, USP.
Rua do Matão, trav. 14, nº 321, Cidade Universitária,
São Paulo - SP, CEP: 05508-090, Brasil.

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