Call for participants - NESCent catalysis meeting on integrated macroevolution 
April 2013.
We are seeking additional participants (up to 3 people) for the recently funded 
NESCent catalysis meeting: “Integrating approaches to macroevolution: combining 
fossils and phylogenies” to be held on 11-13th of April 2013 at the National 
Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) in Durham NC, USA ( ). 
This catalysis meeting is intended to be a first step towards a unification of 
quantitative paleobiology with phylogenetic comparative biology to produce a 
macroevolutionary approach for the 21st century. 
( More information 
can also be found at the end of this call.  20 leading researchers from 10 
countries and 3 continents are committed to this meeting and we are looking for 
a few additional participants in the areas of paleontology and evolutionary 
biology. This call is open to all ranks, but we particularly encourage the 
application of graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and junior faculty 
members. We also highly encourage applications from underrepresented groups. 
NESCent will fund transportation, accommodation and food for all participants. 
Please note that we are actively seeking both theoreticians and empiricists. 
Any researchers with an interest in using paleontological and phylogenetic 
approaches to study macroevolutionary pattern and process are encouraged to 
TO APPLY: send an email to Lars Schmitz ( no 
later than November 26th 2012 in which you explain why you would like to 
participate, including how you can contribute to the discussion of integrating 
fossil and phylogenetic approaches to macroevolution and how it will beneficial 
to your research (aim for no more than 500 words please). Please also include 
any relevant publications or experience. If you have any questions before you 
apply please contact the organizers: Samantha Price Lars Schmitz or Graham 
Slater, at the email addresses listed below.

Samantha Price (UC Davis,, saprice ‘at’ ucdavis ‘dot’ edu)
Lars Schmitz (Claremont Colleges,, lschmitz ‘at’ 
kecksci ‘dot’ edu)
Graham Slater (Smithsonian Museum of Natural History,,  
SlaterG ‘at’ si ‘dot’ edu)
PROJECT SUMMARY: This catalysis meeting is intended to be a first step towards 
a unification of quantitative paleobiology with phylogenetic comparative 
biology to produce a macroevolutionary approach for the 21st century. The last 
decade has witnessed a dramatic increase in macroevolutionary studies that 
attempt to explain phenotypic and taxonomic diversity across the tree of life. 
Paleontologists, relying on information from the fossil record, take a 
historical approach to studying macroevolutionary patterns. Neontologists 
instead utilize phylogenetic inferences from extant species. Although both 
approaches have respective strengths, when pursued separately their assumptions 
and weaknesses can result in conflicting interpretations of evolutionary 
process. We organize this catalysis meeting to facilitate the synthesis of 
paleontological and neontological data and methods used to study 
macroevolution. A unification of these two distinct disciplines is expected to 
reconcile many of the conflicting conclusions and result in an improved 
understanding of macroevolutionary patterns and processes. The immediate 
outcomes of the meeting relate to three main aspects. (1) Establishing an 
interdisciplinary network of researchers that will join forces to integrate 
data and methods, enabling faster and more efficient synthesis across 
disciplines. (2) Outlining of a proposed framework for integrating data and 
methods in a perspectives paper. (3) Establishment of an annual student 
workshop and associated web resources to facilitate cross-disciplinary training 
and data sharing.

Samantha Price, Ph.D.
Dept. Evolution & Ecology
1 Shields Ave,
UC Davis
Davis, CA 95616
Tel: +1 530-752-4720

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