Yes, thank You. If anyone else is interested, this works fine:
souradnice_pop is a list containing various information about populations - 
coordinates, symbol and color to plot and so on.
# Draw a map
plot(x=getMap(resolution="high"), xlim=c(0,60), ylim=c(35,50), asp=1, lwd=1.5)
# Draw a box around it
# Plot map points
points(souradnice_pop$X.lon, souradnice_pop$, 
pch=souradnice_pop[["symbol"]], col=souradnice_pop$col, cex=2)
# Function text() doesn't allow to plot shaded background. Function 
boxed.labels() can do that, but it is not possible to move the text aside the 
point not to overlap it. So I tried shadowtest() It works fine, but it is 
necessary to play little bit wit the parameters.
shadowtext(souradnice_pop$X.lon, souradnice_pop$, 
labels=souradnice_pop[["pop"]], col="black", bg="grey", theta=seq(pi/4,2*pi, 
length.out=8), r=0.2, pos=souradnice_pop[["offset"]], cex=1.1)
# Plot a legend
legend(x="topright", inset=1/50, legend=c("T. pyrrhopappum", "T. 
haussknechtii", "T. serotinum"), border="black", pch=c(15, 17, 19), pt.cex=2, 
bty="o", bg="lightgrey", box.lwd=2, cex=1.2, title="Species of Taraxacum sect. 
All the best,

Dne So 18. ledna 2014 16:58:15, Liam J. Revell napsal(a):
> You might try investigating text to add labels to the plot and and
> legend for a legend. Good luck! - Liam
> Liam J. Revell, Assistant Professor of Biology
> University of Massachusetts Boston
> web:
> email:
> blog:
> On 1/13/2014 12:14 PM, Vojtěch Zeisek wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I have probably very silly question about maps of samples, but I'm not
> > able to figure it out. :-( I wish to generate simple map showing sampling
> > localities of sampled populations, with various symbols and colors for
> > species and other characteristics. And with labels for the point showing
> > population abbreviation and map legend explaining used symbols.
> > To generate map I use
> > plot(x=getMap(resolution="high"), xlim=c(0,60), ylim=c(35,50), asp=1,
> > lwd=2) and to plot localities
> > points(souradnice2$X.lon, souradnice2$, pch=souradnice2$symbol,
> > col=souradnice2$col, cex=2)
> > Variable „souradnice2“ contains details about localities:
> > souradnice2
> > 
> >          X.lon. size    col char symbol
> > 
> > "D001"  2.9000 42.9167  big    red   Fe     15
> > [...]
> > „D007“ 21.3333 41.1000  big   blue   He     17
> > [...]
> > "D027" 20.8000 41.1333  big   blue   Oh     17
> > [...]
> > "D053" 21.5167 41.9167  big   blue   Sk     17
> > "D054" 21.2833 41.9500  big   blue   Ma     17
> > "D055" 21.3667 41.9667  big   blue   So     17
> > "D056" 16.9832 48.9374  big yellow   Ce     19
> > "D057" 16.9832 48.9374  big yellow   Ce     19
> > [...]
> > "D087" 16.6324 48.8380  big yellow   Ba     19
> > "D088" 16.6324 48.8380  big yellow   Ba     19
> > "D089" 16.9500 48.1250  big yellow   Ha     19
> > "D090" 16.9500 48.1250  big yellow   Ha     19
> > [...]
> > "D109" 42.7167 49.9500  big yellow   Po     19
> > "D110" 55.8917 37.3167  big yellow   Ka     19
> > [...]
> > I wasn't able to find how to plot also names of populations along the
> > point and some legend summarizing symbols used to label populations.
> > Could someone, please, point me to right way how to do it?
> > All the best,
> > Vojtěch
Vojtěch Zeisek

Department of Botany, Faculty of Science
Charles University in Prague
Benátská 2, Prague, 12801, CZ

Institute of Botany, Academy of Science
Zámek 1, Průhonice, 25243, CZ

Czech Republic

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