Hello, this might be a silly question and perhaps there's a quick way of
doing this - but couldn't find it. Assume I have a list of species, list of
families (or genera or any other higher order units) and a tree with those
species as tips. I'd like to generate a tree where all species are
collapsed to their families (or genera, etc.) so that now the tips of the
tree are families and not individual species. Is there a function that
could do this? I can easily imagine writing my own script but maybe any of
you saw a similar procedure somewhere?


Szymon Drobniak || Population Ecology Group
Institute of Environmental Sciences
Jagiellonian University
ul. Gronostajowa 7, 30-387 Kraków, POLAND
tel.: +48 12 664 51 79 fax: +48 12 664 69 12


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