Dear all,

I would like to test the effect of a set of (binary+continuous) traits
simultaneously on diversification rates using linear models. I have
diversification rates linked to each node and tip in a phylogeny (resulting
from BAMM), and I have probabilities of the traits at each node and tip.
However, I want to correct for the phylogenetic dependence of both rates
and traits. Functions in R using PGLS seem to build a variance co-variance
matrix based on data at the tips of the trees, but it seems not possible to
assign data to the nodes of the tree.

Does anyone know how to do this, or another way in which one can correct
for the autocorrelation between nodes in a phylogeny when using linear

Thanks a lot,


Renske Onstein
PhD student
University of Zurich
Institute of Systematic Botany
Zollikerstrasse 107
8008 Zurich
Switzerland <>

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