Thankyou very much to all for your effort in improving the function!
all the best
Da: Liam J. Revell <>
Inviato: martedì 10 giugno 2014 15.13
A: Jonas Eberle; Paolo Piras;
Oggetto: Re: edge color in phylomorphospace3d

Thanks Jonas.

I had just added this to phytools. Not yet on CRAN but more details
(including how to use it) can be seen here:

All the best, Liam

Liam J. Revell, Assistant Professor of Biology
University of Massachusetts Boston

On 6/10/2014 3:26 AM, Jonas Eberle wrote:
> Dear Paolo,
> I modified the phylomorphospace3d code some time ago to be able to plot
> colored branches (see below). You can use pointcol and edgecol to color
> the plot. These can be simple color specifications (such as "black") or
> vectors of colors that have the length of your number of tips or edges,
> respectively.
> Thank you Liam for this piece of code! It's really usefull for me! I
> hope I didn't spoil your code too much :)
> Jonas
> ColoredPhylomorphospace3d <- function (tree, X, A = NULL, label = TRUE,
> pointcol="black", edgecol="black", control = list(),
>            method = c("dynamic", "static"), ...)
> {
>    method <- method[1]
>    if (class(tree) != "phylo")
>      stop("tree object must be of class 'phylo.'")
>    # controls festlegen
>    con = list(spin = TRUE, axes = TRUE, box = TRUE, simple.axes = FALSE,
>               lwd = 1, ftype = "reg")
>    con[(namc <- names(control))] <- control
>    if (con$simple.axes)
>      con$box <- con$axes <- FALSE
>    con$ftype <- which(c("off", "reg", "b", "i", "bi") == con$ftype) -
>      1
>    if (is.null(A))
>      A <- apply(X, 2, function(x, tree) fastAnc(tree, x),
>                 tree = tree)
>    else A <- A[as.character(1:tree$Nnode + length(tree$tip)),
>                ]
>    x <- y <- z <- matrix(NA, nrow(tree$edge), 2)
>    X <- X[tree$tip.label, ]
>    for (i in 1:length(tree$tip)) {
>      x[tree$edge[, 2] == i, 2] <- X[i, 1]
>      y[tree$edge[, 2] == i, 2] <- X[i, 2]
>      z[tree$edge[, 2] == i, 2] <- X[i, 3]
>    }
>    for (i in length(tree$tip) + 1:tree$Nnode) {
>      x[tree$edge[, 1] == i, 1] <- x[tree$edge[, 2] == i,
>                                     2] <- A[as.character(i), 1]
>      y[tree$edge[, 1] == i, 1] <- y[tree$edge[, 2] == i,
>                                     2] <- A[as.character(i), 2]
>      z[tree$edge[, 1] == i, 1] <- z[tree$edge[, 2] == i,
>                                     2] <- A[as.character(i), 3]
>    }
>    if (is.null(colnames(X)))
>      colnames(X) <- c("x", "y", "z")
>    if (method == "dynamic") {
>      params <- get("r3dDefaults")
>      plot3d(rbind(X, A), xlab = colnames(X)[1], ylab = colnames(X)[2],
>             zlab = colnames(X)[3], axes = con$axes, box = con$box,
>             params = params)
>      spheres3d(X, radius = 0.02 * mean(apply(X, 2, max) -
>                                          apply(X, 2, min)), col=pointcol)
>      for (i in 1:nrow(tree$edge)) segments3d(x[i, ], y[i, ], z[i, ], lwd
> = con$lwd, col=edgecol[i])
>      ms <- colMeans(X)
>      rs <- apply(rbind(X, A), 2, range)
>      if (con$simple.axes) {
>        lines3d(x = rs[, 1], y = c(rs[1, 2], rs[1, 2]),
>                z = c(rs[1, 3], rs[1, 3]))
>        lines3d(x = c(rs[1, 1], rs[1, 1]), y = rs[, 2],
>                z = c(rs[1, 3], rs[1, 3]))
>        lines3d(x = c(rs[1, 1], rs[1, 1]), y = c(rs[1, 2],
>                                                 rs[1, 2]), z = rs[, 3])
>      }
>      rs <- rs[2, ] - rs[1, ]
>      for (i in 1:length(tree$tip)) {
>        adj <- 0.03 * rs * (2 * (X[i, ] > ms) - 1)
>        if (con$ftype)
>          text3d(X[i, ] + adj, texts = tree$tip.label[i],
>                 font = con$ftype)
>      }
>      if (con$spin) {
>        xx <- spin3d(axis = c(0, 0, 1), rpm = 10)
>        play3d(xx, duration = 5)
>        invisible(xx)
>      }
>      else invisible(NULL)
>    }
>    else if (method == "static") {
>      if (hasArg(angle))
>        angle <- list(...)$angle
>      else angle <- 30
>      if (hasArg(xlim))
>        xlim <- list(...)$xlim
>      else xlim <- NULL
>      if (hasArg(ylim))
>        ylim <- list(...)$ylim
>      else ylim <- NULL
>      if (hasArg(zlim))
>        zlim <- list(...)$zlim
>      else zlim = NULL
>      xx <- scatterplot3d(X, xlab = colnames(X)[1], zlab = colnames(X)[3],
>                          pch = 19, angle = angle, ylab = colnames(X)[2],
>                          asp = 1, cex.symbols = 1.3, xlim = xlim, ylim =
> ylim,
>                          zlim = zlim)
>      aa <- xx$xyz.convert(A)
>      points(aa$x, aa$y, pch = 19, cex = 0.8)
>      for (i in 1:nrow(tree$edge)) {
>        aa <- xx$xyz.convert(x[i, ], y[i, ], z[i, ])
>        lines(aa$x, aa$y, lwd = 2)
>      }
>      for (i in 1:length(tree$tip.label)) {
>        aa <- xx$xyz.convert(x[which(tree$edge[, 2] == i),
>                               2], y[which(tree$edge[, 2] == i), 2],
> z[which(tree$edge[,
>         2] == i), 2])
>        text(tree$tip.label[i], x = aa$x, y = aa$y, pos = 2)
>      }
>      invisible(xx)
>    }
> }

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