Just remember that if you have measurement error in the X variable then you 
likely underestimate the true slope:

Ives, A. R., P. E. Midford, and T. Garland. 2007. Within-species variation and 
measurement error in phylogenetic comparative methods. Systematic Biology 

Also, if you have soft polytomies then you may want to subtract some d.f.:

Purvis, A., and T. Garland, Jr. 1993. Polytomies in comparative analyses of 
continuous characters. Systematic Biology 42:569–575.


Theodore Garland, Jr., Professor
Department of Biology
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
Office Phone:  (951) 827-3524
Facsimile:  (951) 827-4286 (not confidential)
Email:  tgarl...@ucr.edu

Director, UCR Institute for the Development of Educational Applications

Editor in Chief, Physiological and Biochemical Zoology

Fail Lab: Episode One

From: r-sig-phylo-boun...@r-project.org [r-sig-phylo-boun...@r-project.org] on 
behalf of Xavier Prudent [prudentxav...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2014 3:06 AM
To: Gustavo Paterno
Cc: r-sig-phylo@r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R-sig-phylo] How to test if the slope is different from 1 in      

Hi Gustavo,

GLS returns the estimated slope and its uncertainty, you can then compute a
t-value where your null-hypothesis is "slope=1", and from that t-value get
a p-value.


2014-08-20 21:30 GMT+02:00 Gustavo Paterno <paterno...@gmail.com>:

> Dear all,
> I am working with flower allometry and want to use PGLS to analyse how the
> male and female biomass of the flower scale with total flower biomass.
> So simple linear regressions, but log-trasformed.
> my model is:
> mod.male <- pgls(male~total, data=flower.data,lambda="ML")
> Besides calculating the slope of the regression I am also interested to
> test if the slope is different then 1. How can I do this in PGLS?
> I would be very glad if any one could help me with that.
> Kind regards,
> Gustavo Paterno
> -----------------------------------------
> Gustavo B. Paterno
> Doutorando em Ecologia
> Departamento de Ecologia
> Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
> Natal, Brasil
> -------------------------------------
> skype: gustavopaterno
> pater...@cb.ufrn.br
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*---------------------------------------Xavier Prudent*

*Computational biology and evolutionary genomics*

*Guest scientist at the Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme*
*Noethnitzer Str. 38*

*01187 Dresden *

*Max Planck-Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics*
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*Phone: +49 351 210-2621*

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