Hi all-

Please see below for an exciting postdoc opportunity in my lab.  Items (ii) and 
(iii) on the list below are heavily R-focused and potentially relevant to many 

~Dan Rabosky

Job title: Postdoctoral position in computational macroevolution

A postdoctoral position in computational macroevolution is available in Dan 
Rabosky's lab at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.  The postdoctoral 
researcher will be involved the development and application of methods for 
studying evolutionary dynamics (speciation, extinction, phenotypic evolution) 
across phylogenetic trees that potentially include many thousands of taxa. The 
project will involve either extensions or applications of the BAMM / BAMMtools 
software platform developed by the Rabosky lab (see http://bamm-project.org for 
more information). BAMM is a Bayesian framework for modeling complex mixtures 
of dynamic evolutionary processes on phylogenetic trees. The postdoctoral 
researcher will be involved with at least one of the following:  

(i) Development and implementation of new methods for modeling evolutionary 
dynamics from phylogenetic and/or paleontological data. An area of particular 
interest involves combined analyses of paleontological and neontological data 
with BAMM.

(ii) Empirical analyses of evolutionary radiations with BAMM

(iii) Development and extensions to BAMMtools, our R package for analyzing and 
visualizing evolutionary dynamics from BAMM output.

The ideal candidate will have a background in computational biology and/or 
quantitative methods in evolutionary biology. Demonstrable programming ability 
in C/C++ and/or R is required (C++ essential for BAMM development, less so for 
BAMMtools or empirical projects). Previous experience studying macroevolution 
dynamics is helpful, but we welcome applications from any area of computational 
biology, including population genetics, theoretical ecology, and applied 

The position offers exceptional opportunities for independent research, career 
development, and quantitative skills training. We have an outstanding group of 
researchers in quantitative/computational evolutionary biology and biodiversity 
science in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, the UM Museum of 
Zoology, and the UM Museum of Paleontology.

Applications should be sent to drabosky at umich.edu. Please include a cover 
letter describing your research interests and background, a C.V., evidence of 
programming experience, and contact information for three references. Start 
date is flexible. Any questions about the position can be directed to Dan 

Dan Rabosky
Assistant Professor & Curator of Herpetology
Museum of Zoology &
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1079 USA


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