
Yes, Mac has changed enough recently that installing the dependencies can be a 
horrific hassle (specifically: the default use of clang instead of gcc). 

A couple of options:

1. Install dependencies with homebrew <>.
2. Override the default use of clang, and instead use gcc.
3. If all else fails, and it is not too much trouble, use a virtual box, and 
install/use treePL in some flavour of linux. This should work flawlessly.

Joseph W. Brown
Post-doctoral Researcher, Smith Laboratory
University of Michigan
Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Room 2071, Kraus Natural Sciences Building
Ann Arbor MI 48109-1079

> On 31 Dec, 2014, at 11:34, Franz Krah <> wrote:
> Thanks a lot Brian!
> Took me the whole day but finally treePL works fine although there were some
> difficulties with Yosemite and the version of c++.
> The "tree <- reorder(tree)" trick didn't do the trick.
> Cheers,
> Franz
>> Brian O'Meara <> hat am 30. Dezember 2014 um 19:56
>> geschrieben:
>> The programs r8s, pathd8, and treepl can all take a phylogram and return a
>> chronogram, but they're not within R (though they could be wrapped). You
>> could also infer a chronogram from the start using Beast or MrBayes, though
>> the large size of the tree may make it difficult.
>> One simple thing to try before all this, though, is pass your tree through
>> a reorder() function call (using default arguments) before passing it to
>> chronos: (i.e.,
>> tree <- read.tree("full_Cipres_Data/RAxML_bestTree.tre")
>> *tree <- reorder(tree)
> tree <- chronos(tree, lambda = 1, model =
>> "correlated", quiet = FALSE,
>>        calibration = makeChronosCalib(tree),
>>        control = chronos.control())
>> Sometimes the imported  tree structure, while valid, can be an issue for
>> ape and I find doing this reordering can fix weird errors.
>> Best,
>> Brian
>> _______________________________________
>> Brian O'Meara
>> Assistant Professor
>> Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
>> U. of Tennessee, Knoxville
>> Postdoc collaborators wanted:
>> Calendar:
>> On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 4:18 AM, Franz Krah <> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I used chronos to make a large phylogeny (~3600 species) ultrametric.
>>> The tree is rooted and binary.
>>> With the following code I get the error:
>>> tree <- read.tree("full_Cipres_Data/RAxML_bestTree.tre")
>>> tree <- chronos(tree, lambda = 1, model = "correlated", quiet = FALSE,
>>>        calibration = makeChronosCalib(tree),
>>>        control = chronos.control())
>>> Error:
>>> In nlminb(start.para, f, g, control = opt.ctrl, lower = LOW, upper = UP) :
>>>  NA/NaN function evaluation
>>> This error was posted before some times but I didn't find a satisfying
>>> answer.
>>> I tried out some things but didn't helped: altering the root in different
>>> ways,
>>> altering the model, altering lambda. The functions worked fine with smaller
>>> phylogenies before!
>>> Hope someone found a solution!
>>> Are there other ways of making my tree ultrametric?
>>> Cheers, Franz
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