Hi Will,

Quick answer to that question: yes.

The key is that categorical variables cannot be modeled directly in a GLM
framework. These categorical variables, or index variables, are transformed
into n x (k - 1) matrices of index variables. These index variables are
binary where a 1 corresponds to the observed having that state. K is the
number of states in the index variable. Only k - 1 columns are necessary
because the intercept of the model corresponds to the remaining state. The
interpretation of the beta coefficients for each of the (k - 1) predictors
are then their contrast to or difference between that state and the state
"held" by the intercept.

R will do this silently when you fit the model.

If all k states are included while also including an intercept term, the
model becomes unidentifiable because you've effectively included two
intercept terms which are additively non-identifiable.

I hope that makes sense.



On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 5:20 PM, William Gearty <wgea...@stanford.edu> wrote:

> Hi Liam,
> Thanks for the help!
> Does this type of linear model work if X1 and X2 are categorical variables?
> -Will
> On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 2:48 PM, Liam J. Revell <liam.rev...@umb.edu>
> wrote:
> > Hi William.
> >
> > You should be able to fit this kind of model using gls in the nlme
> > package. In your case, this would look something like:
> >
> > library(ape)
> > library(nlme)
> > fit<-gls(Y~X1*X2,data,correlation=corBrownian(1,tree))
> > anova(fit)
> >
> > for instance. This is just a linear model with multiple predictors and
> > residual error that is correlated according to the phylogeny.
> >
> > If you search R-sig-phylo for gls and/or nlme, or search the web for GLS
> > and phylogenies, you should be able to find out more info.
> >
> > All the best, Liam
> >
> > Liam J. Revell, Assistant Professor of Biology
> > University of Massachusetts Boston
> > web: http://faculty.umb.edu/liam.revell/
> > email: liam.rev...@umb.edu
> > blog: http://blog.phytools.org
> >
> >
> > On 2/4/2015 5:38 PM, William Gearty wrote:
> >
> >> Apologies if this has been asked before...
> >> I'm trying to perform a phylogenetic ANOVA with multiple predictors.
> >> I'm able to do a normal ANOVA with multiple predictors like this:
> >>
> >>  aov(Y ~ X1 * X2, data)
> >>>
> >>
> >> However, I'd like to account for phylogenetic relatedness and tried
> doing
> >> something similar with aov.phylo:
> >>
> >>    aov(Y ~ X1 * X2, phy)
> >>>
> >>
> >> However, the function yells at me:
> >>
> >>  'formula' must be of the form 'dat~group', where 'group' is a named
> >>> factor
> >>> vector and 'dat' is a data matrix or named vector
> >>>
> >>>  Therefore, it seems like aov.phylo is not built to perform a
> >> multi-predictor analysis like the normal aov function is.
> >> Are there any similar functions that would be able pull this off? Is
> there
> >> way around this with aov.phylo?
> >> Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated,
> >> Will
> >>
> >>
> --
> William Gearty
> PhD Student, Paleobiology
> Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences
> Stanford School of Earth Sciences
> people.stanford.edu/wgearty
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Peter D Smits
Grad student
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University of Chicago

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