
I have some questions about the method from this paper:

Paradis et al. (2013) Quantifying variation in speciation and extinction
rates with clade data. DOI: 10.1111/evo.12256

#Some hypothetical data:

SpeciesCount <- c(2,13,2,2,8,1,16)
Ages <- c(1,2,0.5,0.6,2,0.2,3)

#And using the simplest model, assuming extinction rate = 0:

halfdev <- function(p) {
    if (p <= 0 || p >= 2) return(1e100)
    -sum(dyule(SpeciesCount, p, Ages, log = TRUE))

#optimizing with nlm:

res <- nlm(halfdev, .1, hessian = TRUE)

#The halfdev function is a -lnL function, so using the nlm function will
#the likelihood, correct?
#So, res$estimate is the estimate of lambda (for all clades) with the
highest likelihood?

#This means that I can use the following approach to get clade specific
estimates of speciation rate:

lambdas <- -dyule(SpeciesCount, res$estimate, Ages, log = TRUE)

# lambdas summarized with data

#       lambdas       SpeciesCount    Ages
#     1.4798877               2           1.0
#     3.6698954              13           2.0
#     1.4207890               2           0.5
#     1.3906988               2           0.6
#     3.0143270               8           2.0
#     0.2096531               1           0.2
#     3.8052613              16           3.0

#And I can use these lambda values as a response variable in a pgls (or
#equivalent) for downstream analysis of speciation rates?

Thanks in advance for all/any help.


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