
For those of you who use geomorph for your multivariate comparative methods:

We recently uploaded version 2.1.7 of geomorph to CRAN.  However, subsequent to 
this, we found that under certain input scenarios, some of the changes we made 
to underlying support code had undesirable outcomes. We have corrected these 
issues in version 2.1.7-1. The corrected version is found in our GitHub 

Note that the version currently housed on the CRAN repository (2.1.7) does not 
contain the bug fixes. This version was just released last week, and as many of 
you know, CRAN policies make it challenging to do frequent updates to packages.

As a consequence, we recommend that going forward, all geomorph users should 
install the latest version from our Github repository.  Beginning immediately, 
we will maintain the current version of geomorph on the 'Stable' branch in our 
GitHub repository.  This version represents the most recent release to CRAN 
plus any necessary bug fixes.  See the ReadMe file in Git for more information.

To install geomorph directly from GitHub, go to R and type the following two 

> install.packages("devtools")
> devtools::install_github("EmSherratt/geomorph", ref="Stable")


Dean and the geomorph team

Dr. Dean C. Adams
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology
       Department of Statistics
Iowa State University<>
phone: 515-294-3834

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