Dear all,


 A while ago, I was kindly advised to try MCMCglmm to investigate
invasion success of non-native species while accounting for phylogenetic
relatedness. I have managed to run some explanatory models but stumble
upon converge problems…


The data are (1) /introduction events/ of non-native species. There are
about 4.000 introduction events, but only about 40 have resulted in an
established population – so there is a low number of ‘events’.
Successful introductions are coded as “1”,  failure is “0”, (2) the
/phylogenetic tree/ is an ultrametric majority-rule consensus tree
(class “phylo”,  number of tips: 359, number of nodes: 298), (3)
/country/ in which species are introduced is included as a random
effect, (4) a set of continuous /explanatory variables/.


I have mainly explored univariate models (ie one explanatory variables
at a time), but including multiple explanatory variables also results in
converge problems. I use the following model, with continuous variable
‘CloseCentralInv’ as single explanatory variable.


prior.test<-list(R=list(V=1,nu=0.002), G=list(G1=list(V=1, nu=0.002),G2
= list(V=1, nu=0.002)))

test.phylo1 <- MCMCglmm(invasiveStatus ~ CloseCentralInv,

                                random = ~species + country,


                                nitt=1000000, thin=500, burnin=10000,

                                family = "categorical",

                                data =,

                                prior = prior.test,

                                verbose = FALSE)


As far as I understand, the basic model output looks reasonable (here
1), although effective sample sizes for the random effects seem to be


However, /Heidelberger and Welch's/ convergence diagnostic often passes
the stationary test, but not the Halfway mean test (example here
<>, 2).
/Gelman and Rubin/'s convergence diagnostic (calculated on two chains)
indicates potential scale reduction factors that are often well above 1
(example here
<>, 3). A
plot of Gelman and Rubin also does not clearly indicate after how many
iterations convergence is to be expected (example here, 4). I tried to
use Raftery and Lewis's diagnostic to estimate the number of necessary
iterations, but this invariably outputs “You need a sample size of at
least 3746 with these values of q, r and s”. Traces for this model run
can be accessed here
<> (5).


I tried upping the number of iterations to 1.000.000 for a number of
variables, but this does not seem to ameliorate the convergence problems.


I can see the following causes: (1) I misspecified the model and it is
not doing what I think it should be doing, (2) I actually need much more
iterations, (3) I need to specify stronger priors, (4) I am trying to
get blood from stone (aka the data do not allow such an analysis).


I might add that if I look at the p-values and estimates obtained
through the (non-converging- MCMCglmm runs, the results are very much
similar to a ‘simpler’ glmm where phylogeny is accounted for by using a
nested random effect for taxon and genus.


Any suggestions on how to proceed are much appreciated.


Best wishes and thanks in advance,











On 6/3/2015 5:37 PM, Jörg Albrecht wrote:
> Hi Diederik,
> you can use MCMCglmm. The package allows for inclusion of phylogenetic
> information, random effects and zero-inflated response variables.
> However, it may take some time to get familiar with the package.
> Best,
> J
> —
> Jörg Albrecht, PhD
> Postdoctoral researcher
> Institute of Nature Conservation
> Polish Academy of Sciences
> Mickiewicza 33
> 31-120 Krakow, Poland
> <>
> <>
> <>
>> Am 03.06.2015 um 17:25 schrieb Diederik Strubbe
>> < <>>:
>> Dear all,
>> I am struggling with analysing a dataset aimed at explaining invasion
>> success of non-native species. At a country level, I need to relate
>> invasion success (binomial: 0 for failed invasions, 1 for success) to
>> socio-economic variables, taking into account
>> -          Phylogenetic relatedness among introduced species: including
>> a phylogenetic tree
>> -          Country as a random effect
>> -          The fact that data are zero-inflated (most introductions
>> fail).
>> Any suggestions for R packages that can handle a binomial response
>> variable, phylogenetic trees, random effects and zero-inflation?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Diederik
>> -- 
>> Dr.Diederik Strubbe
>> Evolutionary Ecology Group
>> Department of Biology
>> University of Antwerp
>> Middelheimcampus GV310
>> Groenenborgerlaan 171
>> 2020 Antwerpen, Belgium
>> office: +32 3 265 34 69
>> mobile phone: +32 477445568
>> skype user name: lakrinn
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