
A much more efficient way for doing this process is to use the poppr function 
"aboot()" with the genind object. 


Sent from my iPhone

> Hello,
> I have probably very simple problem, but I can't find the solution... :-( I 
> wish to make bootstraped tree of attached microsatellite diploid data. It 
> works fine with DNA sequences and I was using same code last year and it was 
> working. :-)
> library(pegas)
> library(ape)
> LOCI <- read.loci("ssrs.txt", header=TRUE, loci.sep="\t", allele.sep="/", 
> col.pop=2, col.loci=3:14, row.names=1)
> # Looks OK
> GENIND <- loci2genind(LOCI)
> DIST <- dist(x=GENIND, method="euclidean", diag=TRUE, upper=TRUE)
> NJ <- nj(DIST)
> BOOT <- boot.phylo(phy=NJ, x=LOCI, FUN=function(X) nj(dist(loci2genind(X))), 
> B=1000)
>  |=                                                                           
> |   1%Error in df2genind(as.matrix(x[, attr(x, "locicol")]), sep = "[/\\|]",  
> : 
>  length of factor pop differs from nrow(X)
> Any idea what could went wrong?
> Thank You,
> Vojt?ch

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