Dear all,   At the Division of Statistics and Machine Learning, Department of 
Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden, 14th-19th May 
2020, we will be hosting a school concerning stochastic differential equations 
and the YUIMA R package (Simulation and Inference for SDEs and Other Stochastic 
Processes, ). The lectures will be given 
by members of the YUIMA team (  ). The 
nearly final program of the school is :   Dates (fixed and final): May 14 
(Thu), May 15 (Fri), May 18 (Mon), May 19 (Tue) in 2020  The 5th YUIMA 
Conference will be held in parallel.  Program   DAY 1  09:00-10:00 Introduction 
to R programming  10:15-11:00 Refresh on stochastic processes  11:30-12:30 
Introduction to SDE I (Brownian motion and its properties)  14:30-15:30 
Introduction to SDE II (stochastic integrals and Ito's formula with some 
applications)  16:00-17:00 Introduction to SDE III (SDE)  DAY 2  09:00-09:45 
Time series import and Date/timestamps manipulation in R  10:00-11:00 Overview 
of Yuima and Yuima GUI  11:30-12:30 Simulation of diffusion processes I 
(theoretical background and introduction to YUIMA)  14:30-15:30 Simulation of 
diffusion processes II (simulation of notable models for illustrations)  
16:00-17:00 Supplements  DAY 3  09:00-10:00 Inference for diffusion processes I 
(QMLE)  10:30-11:30 Inference for diffusion processes II (quasi Bayesian 
estimation)  13:30-14:30 Model selection (information criteria: CIC, BIC and 
QBIC)  15:00-16:00 Implementation via Yuima GUI  DAY 4 (this day is for gentle 
introductions of topics with a more software oriented approach)  09:00-10:00 
Compound Poisson process (basics, simulation and estimation)  10:30-11:30 
Introduction to Levy processes  13:30-14:30 Point processes  15:00-16:00 Sparse 
estimation (Lasso and other regularizations)   A similar event took place in 
summer 2019:   Please feel free to spread 
information about the school to anyone who could be interested. If there are 
any questions or somebody would like to attend, they should e-mail me directly. 
  Best wishes  Krzysztof Bartoszek, PhD  Docent, Senior Lecturer in Statistics  
Division of Statistics and Machine Learning   Department of Computer and 
Information Science   Linköping University   krzysztof[_dot_]bartoszek[_at_

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