Thank you Don and Julien for your suggestions. I was able to run threshml
using Rthreshml from the Rphylip package. However, now I'm not really sure
what to do with the results. Can I use the output to perform ancestral
state reconstruction/estimation for the continuous (3) and discrete (1)
characters? I see that phytools has ancThresh, but that only seems to work
with a single character.

I also believe I found Goolsby's model/software
<> that Julien alluded to, but it doesn't
seem to be ready for primetime yet.


*William Gearty*

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

University of Nebraska–Lincoln

School of Biological Sciences

On Tue, Mar 3, 2020 at 11:30 AM Donald Miles <> wrote:

> Hello William,
> You can use the threshBayes function in the package phytools to implement
> Felsensteins threshold model. One can combine continuous and discrete
> traits in the same analysis.
> Cheers,
> Don Miles
> On Tue, Mar 3, 2020 at 11:50 AM Julien Clavel <>
> wrote:
>> Hi William,
>> If you want to perform a joint reconstruction of the ancestral states for
>> both continuous and discrete traits (e.g. to look at the evolutionary
>> correlations) I think that you should have a look at the threshold model of
>> Felsenstein (a bivariate version is available in phytools; I also remember
>> an Evolution meeting where E. Goolsby was working on an efficient
>> implementation of the model). The model assumes that discrete traits are
>> governed by a latent process which is continuous which makes possible to
>> fit a multivariate model with other continuous traits (although maybe with
>> a reduced power).
>> All the best,
>> Julien
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