Dear Russell.

For some reason, my emails don't seem to be getting through to the whole list -- so my apologies if this ends up being redundant with another reply.

In short, if you supply a vector of tip labels that are identical (e.g., c("Cricetomys_emini","Cricetomys_emini")), ape::getMRCA returns the parent node of the corresponding taxon -- rather than the tip index. I didn't know that, but now I do.

You can switch to using phytools::fastMRCA. fastMRCA takes two tip label arguments instead of one -- so in your case the function call would be fastMRCA(tree,"Cricetomys_emini","Cricetomys_emini").

You can also just use the base R function which. In this case, you would do which(tree$tip.label=="Cricetomys_emini"). This should have the same effect.

You do seem to be using the arguments 'where' and 'position' correctly in phytools::bind.tip. 'where' should point to the node immediately *above* (i.e., tipward) of the place you want to attach the new tip; while 'position' should be the depth *below* that node.

Here's an update to your mapply call using fastMRCA instead of getMRCA.


Please let me (& the list) know if this solution works as expected.

All the best, Liam

Liam J. Revell
University of Massachusetts Boston [Assoc. Prof.]
Universidad Católica de la Ssma Concepción [Adj. Res.]

Web & phytools:,,

Academic Director UMass Boston Chile Abroad:

U.S. COVID-19 explorer web application:

On 6/4/2021 1:17 AM, Russell Engelman wrote:
Dear Everyone,

I think these are all really good suggestions. I tried this with my data (specifically the mapply with getMRCA) and it sort of worked. Sort of in that the mapply did apply the transformation to all 100 trees, but I noticed that after I applied it I got some funky results. Here is another example with /Cricetomys ansorgei /and some associated code...

hbltree <" hbltree .nex")

However I noticed that when I printed the phylogeny the function for some reason does not place /C. ansorgei /as the sister taxon to /C. emini/, instead it places it as sister to /C. emini/ + /C. gambianus. /That part I am not sure why this is because getMRCA should find the terminal tip of /C. emini/, given that it is finding the MRCA of the same taxon.

It also does not place /C. ansorgei /at the tip of the tree. This might be a side effect of the function selecting the wrong node to insert the taxon on, but I think part of it as well is that I'm not familiar with how to handle the position and edge.length arguments in this case. I know from consulting the primary literature that /C. ansorgei /is recoded to have diverged from its nearest sister taxon, /C. emini/, about 3.282 Ma. So I know the 'edge.length' argument should be set to 3.282. I've often struggled a lot with how to efficiently set the 'position' argument afterwards.

Is it possible I am calling the wrong node or something to insert the taxon at?


On Thu, Jun 3, 2021 at 10:47 AM Liam J. Revell < <>> wrote:

    Dear Russell et al. (sorry if this is a re-send: my message yesterday
    seems to have been blocked by the listserv)

    Using a for loop is a great idea! Highly underrated in R, IMO.

    However, for future reference, the reason that your code didn't work
    with lapply is because the list you're 'applying' over (tree) also
    appears among the arguments!

    If you want to use apply-family functions instead of a for loop (just,
    say, for fun) then you have two basic options: you can write a custom
    function; or you can use mapply.

    Here's some (untested) code to do it.

    ## first, using a custom function & lapply:
    foo<-function(tree) bind.tip(tree,

    ## now, using mapply:

    (Code is not guaranteed! I don't have the data file, so I didn't
    actually test it -- but something like this ought to work.)

    Regardless, I recommend using ape::getMRCA (or phytools::fastMRCA)
    because otherwise you're computing an N x N matrix in each iteration of
    your function call just to get one node index.

    Good luck! All the best, Liam

-- Liam J. Revell
    University of Massachusetts Boston
    Universidad Católica de la Ssma Concepción

    Web & phytools:

    Academic Director UMass Boston Chile Abroad:

    U.S. COVID-19 explorer web application:

    On 6/2/2021 8:18 PM, Nathan Upham wrote:
     > Hi Russell:
     > Glad to hear you’re using the VertLife mammal trees — they are
    built on a taxonomy of 5,911 species of which only 4,098 are sampled
    for DNA, so there is already a ~30% chunk that is placed using
    taxonomic constraints and birth-death branch lengths as sampled
    during the estimation of 28 Bayesian patch clades.
     > Adding additional species described since the 2015 cutoff of that
    VertLife taxonomy makes sense (e.g., up to ~6,500 species on
<>). However, keep in mind that they will not have birth-death estimated
    branch lengths, but rather more likely be added as a polygamy to
    given clade and then randomly resolved.
     > Given the sample code you provided, the key thing you’ll want to
    do is run a *loop* rather than using lapply, so that you can specify
    a given tree each time, e.g.:
     > newtrees<-vector(“list”,length(trees))
     > for(j in 1:length(trees)){
     > newtrees[[j]] <- bind.tip(tree=trees[[j]],
    tip.label="Cercopithecus_albogularis”, position=0.59,edge.length =
     > }
     > I also wrote some code to prune mammal trees and add extinct
    Caribbean species, which uses a similar approach of making
    polytomies and randomly resolving them — here is the repo:
     > And here is the code file:
     > Hope that helps,
     > —nate
     > Nathan S. Upham, Ph.D. (he/him)
     > Assistant Research Professor & Associate Curator of Mammals
     > Arizona State University, School of Life Sciences
     >       ~> Check out the new Mammal Tree of Life
    and the Mammal Diversity Database <
     > Research Associate, Yale University (Ecology and Evolutionary
     > Research Associate, Field Museum of Natural History (Negaunee
    Integrative Research Center)
     > Chair, Biodiversity Committee, American Society of Mammalogists
     > Taxonomy Advisor, IUCN/SSC Small Mammal Specialist Group
     > personal web:
    | Google Scholar
    | ASU profile <
     > e: <> | Skype:
    nate_upham | Twitter: @n8_upham <
     >> On Jun 2, 2021, at 4:19 PM, Eliot Miller <
    <>> wrote:
     >> Hi Russell,
     >> A package I wrote a while back should be able to do that fairly
<!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!OZj7-dFRbxvUothKjSj6hr9B0eXscAO6LVWi1-a0w3J_PxlDqvsFDNb0lQrzxl2aIw%24&> The only paper it's described in
     >> remains;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!OZj7-dFRbxvUothKjSj6hr9B0eXscAO6LVWi1-a0w3J_PxlDqvsFDNb0lQp7PnRRHg$
     >> It's a wrapper for bind.tip, with some additional stuff. You
     >> would give it a taxonomic file where you identify the clades you're
     >> interested in (e.g. both of those Cercopithecus species could be
    named some
     >> unique clade name and off you go, it'd add the missing one to
    the other),
     >> then lapply that whole addTaxa command over the list of trees in
     >> multiPhylo. At some point I made laser a dependency, and it's
    possible I
     >> left it in that state. If that's the case, you can still get
    laser from old
     >> CRAN mirrors I believe. Let me know if you want more help.
     >> Best,
     >> Eliot
     >> On Wed, Jun 2, 2021 at 7:05 PM Russell Engelman
    < <>>
     >> wrote:
     >>> Dear R-sig-phylo,
     >>> I have been working with a mammalian phylogeny I recently
    downloaded from
     >>> VertLife
    ). Unfortunately, the phylogeny
     >>> is missing a large number of species, so I am trying to
    manually add these
     >>> taxa to the phylogeny. I have a series of 100 trees that I am
    using to do
     >>> things such as test for phylogenetic signal. I know how to use
    bind.tip to
     >>> add new taxa to a single tree, but I am having more trouble with a
     >>> multiPhylo object. I am primarily adding these taxa by placing
    them as
     >>> sister to their nearest included relative (since most of them
    are elevated
     >>> former subspecies), but the issue here is that in the 100 trees
    in the
     >>> multiPhylo object the node representing the taxon to bind these
    taxa to is
     >>> not the same across all trees due to shifting topologies.
     >>> This is an example of the code I have been using, in which
    "tree" is the
     >>> tree object. This works for a single 'phylo' tree but not
     >>> ```
     >>>                 position=0.59,edge.length = 0.59,
     >>> where=mrca(tree)["Cercopithecus_mitis","Cercopithecus_mitis"])
     >>> ```
     >>> Now, this code will not work, but I know exactly why: 'tree' is a
     >>> multiPhylo object and so the 'where' argument cannot find the
    node for the
     >>> terminal taxon. However, the issue is how can I tell R to
    repeat this
     >>> 'where' argument for each of the 100 trees, since the node in
    question is
     >>> not identical across these trees? Is there an easier way to do
    this than
     >>> using the 'mrca' call for each terminal taxon? I've noticed
    adding a 'mrca'
     >>> argument also increases computation time and if I am
    reinventing the wheel
     >>> it would be nice to know if I am overthinking things.
     >>> Sincerely,
     >>> Russell
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