On Mon, 21 Mar 2016 11:06:02 -0500,
Neil Van Dyke wrote:
> Just tossing out an idea here, to prompt discussion, not proposing
> it... What if it were within policy for a package author to introduce a
> backwards-incompatible change, *iff* the author is reasonably confident
> that it wouldn't break any users of the package *that have the code in
> the official open source package catalog*. Then, the author could see
> which other packages in the catalog use the author's package, and
> inspect the code of those, to see how their use the package would be be
> affected by the change.

Not a great solution, but here's what I've been doing.

- Make a local copy of the package catalog (with `raco pkg catalog-archive`)
- grep -R for the package/collection name


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