Using define/contract or a contract region, we can make a function with a contract between the function and the module. If the function is provided and a requiring module applies bad arguments, the module gets blamed.

Or we can use (provide (contract-out ...)) instead, and make a contract between the module and whatever requires the module. If a requiring module applies bad arguments, the requiring module gets blamed.

I'd like to make a function with a contract between the function and the world in general, where if anything applies bad arguments - whether in the defining module or out of it - it gets blamed. Is there a way to do that besides using both define/contract and contract-out, and duplicating the contract?

Is there a way to "lift" contracts to the module level?

I think of it in analogy to this:

#lang racket/load

(module provider0 racket
(define (takes-a-list xs) (void))
(provide/contract (takes-a-list ((listof real?) . -> . void?))))

(module provider1 racket
(require 'provider0)
(provide (all-from-out 'provider0)))

(require 'provider1)
(takes-a-list (λ (x) x))

Here, provider1 isn't blamed for the bad argument, even though it provided it.

Neil T

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