You're evaluating the (/ 1 0) before you make your evaluator. You have
to quote it.

The following works for me:

(define my-eval
  (parameterize ([sandbox-output #f]
                 [sandbox-error-output #f]
                 [sandbox-propagate-exceptions #f]
                 [sandbox-propagate-breaks #f])
    (make-evaluator 'racket)))
(my-eval '(/ 1 0))

Stephen Chang <> writes:
> How do I get a sandbox to drop errors? The following code still
> produces the divide by 0 exception. What am I doing wrong?
> #lang racket
> (require racket/sandbox)
> (parameterize ([sandbox-output #f]
>                [sandbox-error-output #f]
>                [sandbox-propagate-exceptions #f]
>                [sandbox-propagate-breaks #f])
>   (make-evaluator 'racket (/ 1 0)))
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