Greetings all!   First post here.

Just finished my first significant project in Racket: writing parser in Racket 
for my new Python/Racket fusion programming language (roughly 2000 lines of 
Racket for the parser).  The next phase is the runtime classes, which seems 
less straightforward--wish me luck!  

Also happy to report figuring out on my own how to get Command-L reassigned to 
goto-line instead of Choose Language in DrRacket, using my own home-brewed 
keybindings file, as I frequently switch between other editors that use this 
key binding.  (However, DrRacket not only fails when instructed through the 
menu interface to detach this keybindings file, but does so reporting an 
internal error, but that's another story and may or may not be due to somebody 
else's bug.)

Now that I've introduced myself, let me get to the reason I'm writing.

In DrRacket I have gone to Preferences menu item->Colors tab->Racket sub-tab 
and changed the color associated with "Keyword" to orange, to make it a 
different color from the blue color for "Symbol".

I have noticed that there are some symbols colored as being in the "Keyword" 
category that I wish were not, and there are others not so colored that I wish 
would be thus.  For instance, I'm considered having "match", "class", and 
"make-object" be colored as "Symbol" instead of "Keyword"; on the other hand, I 
am dumbfounded that, while "cond", "while", and "unless" are colored as 
keywords, "if" is colored as an ordinary symbol; this seems like an 
incontestable error of omission (surely an accident).

I have grepped through all the source files in DrRacket's "collects" folder, 
but have not been able to isolate the place where DrRacket's list of keywords 
are stored.

Does anyone know how to tweak the list of symbols that DrRacket colors as 
keywords?  I would consider using a different, more easily customizable editor 
like my beloved TextMate 2, but neither it nor any of the other editors I'm 
familiar with has DrRacket's intelligent indentation assistance that conforms 
to Racket conventions for indenting--this is a feature without which I would 
probably lose my mind, given my compulsion for proper and consistent 

Any help would be appreciated!

Thank you,

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