At Sun, 10 Nov 2013 01:01:25 -0500, Matthew Butterick wrote:
> So while one wants to avoid pushing design constraints onto writers, code
> samples are special, thus it would be useful to adopt a max width.

Yes, my original intent was to pick a specific maximum column for code.
I didn't figure out how to both pick a specific width in characters and
allow the font to be the user's chosen monospace font, so I made the
width 43ems, which works out to 69 characters in my browser. The the
`current-display-width` parameter (which `defproc` uses to break lines)
is set to 65 to accommodate slightly wider fonts --- but many other
things that I write fill 69 columns, because that's what I see when I
render the documentation.

It would be great to pin this down better.

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