Build instructions and source files are now available here:

2013/11/24 Jens Axel Søgaard <>:
> 2013/11/17 Matthew Flatt <>:
>> At Sat, 16 Nov 2013 22:16:40 +0100, Jens Axel Søgaard wrote:
>> To turn "librsvg-2.2.dylib" into something that you can give other Mac
>> users to install into their Racket "lib" directory, you'll need to
>> adjust the references from the "librsvg-2.2.dylib" to other ".dylib"s.
>> You'll want to use `install_name_tool` and "@executable_path/..." paths
>> for that. Let me know if you get that far and need more hints.
> I managed to build Cairo and Poppler and get it everything working.
> Displaying pdf-files within DrRacket works a charm. As a consequence
> I can now use LaTeX to render formulas to pdf, converting the pdf to pict
> and use the formulas directly in slideshows and pictures.
> Now comes the problem of distributing the relevant libraries.
> At first I thought I could build Poppler with the same version of Cairo
> as DrRacket and simply distribute the extra binaries, but it turns out
> that Poppler needs a libcairo with support for Freetype and FontConfig.
> The binaries below contain a tar of a set of libraries which work together.
> It was compiled on a x64 machine with OS Mavericks. I used
> and
>    -arch x86_64 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk
> during for all builds, but help to confirm that the libraries actually works
> on other machines than my own.
> Inspired by you install-files.rkt I didn't use @executable_path
> but used @loader_path.
> Since the original goal was a make libpoppler that were compatible
> with Racket's libcairo, I have used version numbers of the
> various libraries as close the Racket ones as I could.
> To test these binaries, place them in the result of
>     > (require setup/dirs)
>     > (find-lib-dir)
>     #<path:/Users/soegaard/racket-nov-24/racket/racket/lib>
> To see a pdf-file inside DrRacket run:
> #lang racket
> (require (planet gcr/pdf-render:2:=2) pict)
> (define pdf-file "/Users/soegaard/Downloads/x.pdf")
> (if (file-exists? pdf-file)
>     (pict->bitmap (page->pict pdf-file))
>     "not found")
> Note that (page->pict pdf-file) displays an empty snip.
> The reason is that DrRacket normally calls the pict not
> with a real cairo context, but with a record-dc% and the
> recorded operations are then later replayed. Since
> the pict from (page->pict pdf-file) calls libpoppler that
> calls libcairo, these operations aren't recorded.
> A few questions:
>   1. Do these binaries work for others than me?
>   2. Is it worth looking into getting these binaries working on pre
> x64 hardware?
>   3. Should I make a set of binaries with new versions of all
> libraries in question?
>      (While I can remember how things work)
> I will write up a detailed description of how I build them and put the sources
> on GitHub.
> --
> Jens Axel Søgaard

Jens Axel Søgaard

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