Be careful reading your error messages.  The first one says "result arity
mismatch", the second one says "repl: arity mismatch".  Only the second one
is about the arguments you passed to the function called "repl".  The first
one must be about something else that went wrong.

Carl Eastlund

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 8:12 PM, 亀田馬志 <> wrote:

> Hello.
> I've just installed Racket v.5.92.
> I'm trying writing a Brainf*ck interpreter. It's not been completed yet.
> By the way, the interpreter I'm making needs 7 arguments.
> However, strangely it seems it can't recognize arguments.
> (repl #f #f 0 #f 0 '((0 . 0)) #f)
> result arity mismatch;
>  expected number of values not received
>   expected: 7
>   received: 1
>   from:
>   in: local-binding form
>   values...:
>    #f
> >
> Strange. Eventhough I gave 7 arguments, Racket says it receives only 1
> argument.
> As a experiment, I gave 6 arguments to the REPL.
> (repl #f #f 0 #f 0 '((0 . 0)))
> repl: arity mismatch;
>  the expected number of arguments does not match the given number
>   expected: 7
>   given: 6
>   arguments...:
>    #f
>    #f
>    0
>    #f
>    0
>    '((0 . 0))
> >
> It seems that it can recognize up to 6 arguments.
> Is there any limitation about the number of arguments in Racket?
> Thanx.
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