Matthias and Sam, hello.

This has been a very useful brief thread for me, and also, I suspect, for 

On 2014 Aug 4, at 01:22, Matthias Felleisen <> wrote:

> In a sense, you put your finger on a sore spot of TR from R -- we are still 
> figuring out how to help programmers along here.

Such help would be most valuable!

> ;; entirely unnecessary but helped me read; IGNORE 
> (define-type (Maybe α) (U False α))
> (define-type NI Nonnegative-Integer)
> (define-type LNI (Listof NI))
> (define-type VNI (Vectorof NI))

This is clearly a good idiom/pattern: very local, and telegraphically short, 
abbreviations for useful types.

> Then I checked on the maps and realized that I need to help the TC along with 
> the instantiations of vector->list (how can it know with context-free 
> reasoning what kind of vector it is) and the same for car (how can it know 
> what kind of list you're getting here). 

So this returns to the question of what the TC can and cannot be expected to 
work out for itself, and I see that Sam had a couple of remarks on this later.

> (let* ((given  : LVNI '(#(1 2) #(3 4) #(5 6)))
>       (length : NI   (1+ (apply max (map (lambda ({x : VNI}) (vector-ref x 
> 0)) given))))
>       (result : [Vectorof [Maybe NI]] (make-vector length #f)))
>  (for ((q : VNI (in-list given)))
>    (vector-set! result (vector-ref q 0) (vector-ref q 1)))
>  result)
> The above -- minus types -- is how I would probably write the code in Racket, 
> following the style guide. (I would use three defines instead of let* but 
> let's ignore this point.)

That looks _much_ nicer than what I had, and is still perfectly readable.

> If I were to move this code to Typed Racket, I'd add a type declaration to 
> each identifier just like in any other (explicitly, statically) typed 
> programming language. That's what I did, and there was no problem checking 
> and running your code. 

So the pattern I see there, which both you and Sam have illustrated, is:

  * annotate as far 'down' the tree as possible, so that type information can 
propagate upwards in the parse tree

  * If one liberally uses named bindings (recommended on other style grounds, 
in any case), then each of these is a natural location for a type annotation

  * when a polymorphic-typed function takes polymorphic arguments, annotate the 
arguments, not the function (that is, I see that, in (map car '(foo ...))  both 
you and Sam annotated the car, not the map); this is in harmony with 'annotate 
as far down as possible', for some value of 'down'.

Sam said:

> The most signficant differences are (1) I'm not using `cast`, which
> should be avoided when possible. `cast` is a runtime operation, and
> might be hiding arbitrary bugs. (2) I've annotated the `let`-bound
> variables, which makes life easier on the rest of the type checker and
> helps improve error messages.

Ah, now this is something I've meant to ask about: what's the difference 
between ann and cast?

The manual says:

> (ann e t)
> Ensure that e has type t, or some subtype. The entire expression has type t. 
> This is legal only in expression contexts.

> (cast e t)
> The entire expression has the type t, while e may have any type. The value of 
> the entire expression is the value returned by e, protected by a contract 
> ensuring that it has type t. This is legal only in expression contexts.

I've never been sure whether the difference between "Ensure that e has type t" 
(which sounds rather runtime-y) and "The entire expression has the type t" is 
significant.  The only difference I could parse from this is that `cast` 
includes a contract, which would appear to make it _safer_ than `ann`, in the 
sense that if this were accidentally given a wrong-typed value than it would 
cause an immediate error.

I presume that the difference is that `ann` is about static type analysis, 
whereas `cast` is for the situation where that static analysis can't be done.  
Would I be correct that in the above case I can and should write

     (ann '(#(1 2) #(3 4) #(5 6)) (Listof VNI)

since this is saying that this expression has a more specific type than the TC 
would work out by itself, and it can verify that the restriction is possible.  
In the real program, these numbers appear from a SQL query, and so this list is 
actually of type (Listof (Vectorof (U Integer String))), so that I should 
indeed be writing

    (cast (query-rows ...) (Listof VNI))

because these numbers are coming in, dynamically, from _outside_ the reach of 
the static TC, and so the annotation needs to be dynamically verified at this 
point.  That is: `cast` is for the 'boundary' of the type system, whereas `ann` 
is for adding detail within it?

Ah -- I think I've just had a little epiphany.  In which case, it might be 
useful to transplant a little of that into the ann/cast section of the manual.  
The examples shown there don't really bring out the distinction to the naive 
reader. (Just by the way, `assert` seems to be doing rather similar work to 
these two, and while I can appreciate a distinction, from the text, I'd 
struggle to express it compactly -- a compare-and-contrast explanation in the 
manual would be very illuminating)

(Does this imply that when TR code is called from untyped code, the arguments 
are implicitly `cast` at call-time?)

> There are a few things that make this program require more annotations
> than I'd like.
> 1. TR doesn't handle automatically inferring type arguments when
> polymorphic functions (like `map`) are given polymorphic arguments
> like `vector->list`. While fixing this would require work, it just
> needs to be done -- there's no reason we shouldn't be able to make
> this work.

Righto -- that's what I wondered, whether it was 'just a matter of code' or 
whether there was something fundamentally more complicated about this, which I 
wasn't understanding.

Thanks, both, for your careful explanations.

Best wishes,


Norman Gray  :
SUPA School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK

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