Thomas Lynch wrote on 01/01/2015 10:32 AM:
I don't know if there is an issue that caused the package to be distributed with these config settings so I will go with the #:socket `guess approach until I have a better understanding.
The Debian default settings for PG access are OK to start with, especially if it's just a single-user workstation, and not sensitive data. If someone is setting up a PG server or handling sensitive data, they'll definitely want to have some understanding of what their access control settings are in `pg_hba.conf`. A few-minute shortcut is to comment-out all the access method lines except the one or two that you think you use, then make sure you understand everything in that line or two. Most of the other stuff is not relevant to most people.
Another reason for programmers to look at `pg_hba.conf` at least once (though this doesn't affect you right now) is performance: the file specifies which access methods can/can't/may use SSL, and SSL can give you awful latency on each PG request. Depending on `pg_hba.conf` settings, PG clients might silently use SSL on some systems without the programmer knowing it, and then programmer wonders why his/her database seems so slow.
BTW, Ryan Culpepper, et al., did an excellent job on the Racket support for PostgreSQL. This support is being used for some heavy and complicated PG access by some important systems.
Neil V. ____________________ Racket Users list: