On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 5:54 AM, George Neuner <gneun...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Hi David,
> On 4/19/2015 9:51 AM, David Vanderson wrote:
> On 04/18/2015 12:34 PM, George Neuner wrote:
> However, to do this, I have to keep the initial id list across multiple
> requests and that is where I've run into trouble.  Thus far, I haven't had
> to use web server continuations.  It seems like send/suspend does not allow
> the browser to provide additional arguments (like paging direction).
> The trick with using the continuations is you don't pass any arguments
> through the url.  All information is stored in local variables that are
> captured automatically by the continuation.  The url will be generated for
> you, it just points to a continuation stored on the server.  Does that make
> sense?  It's hard to wrap your brain around at first.
> I understand continuations in Scheme - it's the mechanism of this
> URL/dispatch that I'm having a slight problem with.  (see below)
>   send/suspend/dispatch looks like it will do what I want, however I need to
> communicate the URLs to the browser in JSON and it (superficially) appears
> as if  embed/url is meant to work in generated HTML?
> You need to use a different response function.  See the attached code for an
> example.  Look at the docs for 'response/xexpr' to see what it does.
> I know I need a different response function.  The question was whether
> embed/url  is tied to HTML or can be used in a different context.  The
> documentation (6.1.1) says:
>     "When used inside page syntactically, a rename transformer for the
> procedure embedding function; otherwise, a syntax error."
> That suggests  embed/url  can be used only in (X)HTML responses and that I
> need to use something else to create dispatch URLs in regular code.
> The final problem is how to ensure that I eventually get to send/finish and
> clean up my thread.  This particular function is expected to be executed
> quite often.  Does the browser app have to invoke a URL that deliberately
> ends the thread or will the thread end if/when its continuations time out?
> What do you need to clean up?  To be clear, there isn't a thread that keeps
> running - the continuation is just some data, and like Jay said, it will
> eventually be cleaned up.  If you want to remove the continuations manually,
> call send/forward or send/finish.  See the attached code.  In particular,
> try running it, and then copying the url to a second browser window.  You'll
> see how two users have different continuations.
> My understanding is that serve/servlet executes dispatched functions in
> separate threads.  And I do see server multi-threading in practice - e.g., a
> quick sequence of XHR calls made by the browser finishing in different
> order.  Timestamped in my application log as well as seen at the browser.
> So when I send/suspend* there will be a thread left suspended.  Will that
> thread context be cleaned up if the continuation expires?   And can I get a
> notification of which thread is involved?  Or better yet, get the thread
> restarted at yet another point so I can log that it has finished processing.
> Are the threads just nuked invisibly or are they terminated by an exception
> that I can catch?

Threads are never left running, but multiple threads are used to
handle the request stream.


> George
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Jay McCarthy

           "Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing,
      for ye are laying the foundation of a great work.
And out of small things proceedeth that which is great."
                          - D&C 64:33

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