I’m working my way through the implementation of racket/generic, and this 
jumped out at me as a little odd. Apparently, in the #:defaults and 
#:fast-defaults clauses of define-generics, there is support for an 
undocumented #:dispatch clause. Using it looks a like this:

(define-generics fooable
  (foo fooable)
  ([list? #:dispatch empty?
    (define (foo fooable)
      (displayln "the empty list was foo'd"))]))

As far I can tell, all this does is introduce an extra predicate that is 
checked in addition to the other one. As far as I can tell, this could just be 
done with (and/c list? empty?), so this feels quite redundant. More bizarre, if 
the #:dispatch clause is omitted, then it defaults to the same as the first 

This means that the predicate is, when used as documented, always applied twice 
for no reason I can discern. Any authors of racket/generic that could provide 
some insight on what this is and why it exists?


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