Matthew Flatt wrote on 05/07/2015 02:44 PM:
I have no problem with these names --- the `scribble` exports are
unlikely to ever collide, since we rarely resort to capital letters ---
but I can't help thinking that the language of the metadata should
specified explicitly.

Regarding `#lang mcfly racket/base`, an additional reason I want to do three-semicolon comments is to *not* have each package depend on the documentation package. It's practically simpler sometimes. (I'm not the only one who doesn't fully like the dependency I had on the `mcfly` package; I've seen multiple other people copy my package code and strip out the McFly `doc` forms, so that they didn't have that dependency.)

If someone else wants to put something other than embedded Scribble in three-semicolon comments, the fact that I'm using three-semicolon in a particular way won't break them, and they won't break me. Or, if someone in the future wants to scrape my three-semicolon stuff in the future, nothing's stopping them, and I'll even give them a small package to do that. I think I understand what you're saying about languages, but in this case, I'm pretty sure how I want to do this, and I'm comfortable with the longevity of the pragmatic simplifications right now.

(Aside: I think the main advantage to the dependency on the `mcfly` PLaneT package was actually sneaky advertising or self-propagation. McFly is not a good example, but let's say there's a non-core package X that is used by various other packages. When a person uses a package that uses X, directly or indirectly, then documentation for X was added to the person's Racket documentation page, for them to stumble upon through documentation search and browsing. Then, the theory goes, that person is then more likely to add a new use of that package in packages that they write. So, if we get an ecology of lots of small packages using lots of small packages, and package X depends directly and indirectly on packages A, B, C, D, E, and F... the package X author doesn't even have to mention in documentation all those supporting packages (they often wouldn't even know all of the indirect ones), but the supporting packages still get a small bit of fame and propagation advantage each time. This is decentralized, with no authority declaring X to be a good package to do the things that X does, but just the little documentation-adding mechanism gives the memetics a boost.)

Neil V.

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