As I've continued to experiment with this, I've run into something that I don't 
really understand. I've managed to come up with this snippet of code.

(define (do prompt-tag)
  (define (loop element continue)
    (if continue
        (+ element (call-with-continuation-prompt continue prompt-tag loop))
    (for/fold () ([i (in-range 10)])
      (let/cc continue
        (abort-current-continuation prompt-tag (let () i) continue)))
    (abort-current-continuation prompt-tag 0 #f))
   prompt-tag loop))

(do (default-continuation-prompt-tag))
(do (make-continuation-prompt-tag))

The first of the two calls at the end returns 45, but the second returns 0. Why 
does using a non-default prompt tag change the behavior if I'm installing my 
own prompt anyway?

> On May 19, 2015, at 19:24, Alexis King <> wrote:
> I'm trying to implement a for/stream loop using for/fold/derived that will 
> return a lazy stream, as would be expected. One way to do this is by using 
> delimited control, which is what I'm currently trying. If there's an easier 
> way, let me know, but I'd still like to figure this out as a pedagogical 
> exercise.
> Right now, I'm just trying to play with for/fold and some control operators 
> to get a feel for how a solution should work. Using racket/control, I've 
> managed to get this working snippet:
> (define result-stream
>  (let ()
>    (define (stream-loop element continue)
>      (stream-cons element
>                   (call-with-values
>                    (thunk (call/prompt continue))
>                    stream-loop)))
>    (call-with-values
>     (thunk
>      (prompt
>       (for/fold ()
>                 ([i (in-naturals)])
>         (let/cc continue
>           (abort i continue)))))
>     stream-loop)))
> This will create an infinite, lazy stream bound to ‘result-stream’ containing 
> all the natural numbers. It works, which is cool, but it also seems pretty 
> overcomplicated.
> Is there a better approach to this sort of thing that I'm missing? My 
> intuition for working with control operators isn't the best, so I wouldn't be 
> surprised if I was overlooking something.
> Thanks,
> Alexis

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