It looks great! Thanks for putting time and effort into this.

I think Racket in general will benefit from better support of immutable 
collections: it has already made the departure from Scheme by making cons-cells 
immutable. So, this is next logical step.

Maybe this belongs a bit more to your previous thread, but it can also relate 
I see you are making generic sequence interface to collections. Clojure from 
1.7 seems to move more towards "reducebles" rather than "sequable". I have 
played with this idea for Racket a bit and it seems to work quite well (I 
called them "streams" but in effect they are "reducebles"):

On Thursday, May 28, 2015 at 9:59:52 AM UTC+2, Alexis King wrote:
> As a followup to my last thread regarding my generic collections library, I 
> have now created a package that uses it to define an entirely new data 
> structure. I've implemented Clojure's 32-way bitmapped tries to create a 
> persistent vector implementation. If you're interested in trying it out, it's 
> available as a package under the name ‘alexis-pvector’.
> Since my collections library only supports immutable collections, Racket's 
> built-in immutable vectors aren't very well-suited to my model. My 
> implementation of `conj` for Racket vectors is not exactly efficient:
> (define (conj vec item)
>   (vector->immutable-vector
>    (vector-append vec (vector item))))
> With persistent vectors, the majority of conj operations are truly O(1), and 
> a small portion (about 3%) of them are O(log_32 n), so the performance 
> overhead should be negligible.
> Some initial profiling has proved promising:
> (time (void (extend #()       (in-range 100000))))
> (time (void (extend (pvector) (in-range 100000))))
> ;; output:
> ;; cpu time: 41116 real time: 41336 gc time: 6176
> ;; cpu time: 124 real time: 124 gc time: 3
> (define (random-set seq)
>   (define l (length seq))
>   (for/fold ([seq seq])
>             ([i (in-range 100000)])
>     (set-nth seq (random l) (random))))
> (time (void (random-set (vector->immutable-vector (make-vector 10000)))))
> (time (void (random-set (extend (pvector) (take 10000 (in-naturals))))))
> ;; output:
> ;; cpu time: 3674 real time: 3677 gc time: 552
> ;; cpu time: 194 real time: 193 gc time: 8
> Admittedly, these tests (especially the first one) are fairly biased towards 
> persistent vectors, but even so, they cover two of the most common vector 
> operations, so I think they're still relevant.
> Some rudimentary documentation is available, but the vast majority of the 
> vectors' interface is through the methods provided by alexis/collection. Try 
> them out! Let me know if you find any bugs or if you have any performance 
> considerations.
> As a final note, there are still some improvements that definitely need to be 
> made. Currently vectors print as #<pvector>, which is not very helpful, so 
> implementing a custom write procedure is high on my todo list. Also, this is 
> not an implementation of RRB vectors, which are an improved version of this 
> implementation but are more complex, so I have yet to look into how I could 
> adapt this to use that algorithm.
> Let me know what you think!
> Alexis

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